Special Aspects of Insurance Mathematics


Prof. Dr. Alexander Kling is partner and senior consultant at the Institut für Finanz- und Aktuarwissenschaften (ifa), Prof. Dr. Jochen Ruß is managing partner at the Institut für Finanz- und Aktuarwissenschaften (ifa). They both combine scientific work with practical life insurance expertise. Their focus is on the development of innovative life insurance products in particular with new forms of guarantees, on actuarial aspects of life settlements, as well as on behavioral aspects of insurance demand.


2/0 SWS (4 ECTS)

Seminar date

This seminar takes place as a block seminar. The attendance at all seminar dates is required.

The dates will be discussed with the participants at the beginning of the winter semester.





If you are interested, simply contact Stefan Schelling (stefan.schelling(at)uni-ulm.de) by (at the latest) July 23th, 2024 with the following information:

  • name
  • subject of study, number of semesters
  • current overview of grades
  • Which lectures have you already heard in Actuarial Science, Financial Mathematics and Finance (including the current semester)?  


The seminar will cover special aspects and innovative topics in life insurance. Participants of the seminar will receive current research papers which will then be elaborated and presented in the seminar.

Target Group

The seminar is suitable for Master students in Wirtschaftsmathematik, Wirtschaftswissenschaften or Finance. Previous knowledge in Personenversicherungsmathematik, Insurance Economics and Financial Mathematics 1 are helpful.

Seminar Performance

Typically, students are assigned to work individually or in groups of two, depending on the topic.

The seminar performance consists of three parts:

  • A seminar presentation about a selected topic. The presentation typically includes some theoretical discussion / model introduction and some numerical part that applies the results in a realistic setup.

Typical duration of the presentation per student: 60 minutes (including discussion).

  • A written formulation of the presentation documents as a support for the participants of a maximum length of two pages.
  • Active participation in this seminar.

Based on the performance, every participant will be credited with an (internal) grade.