The lecture will be held in English.
German title of this lecture: "Versicherungsökonomik"
Further information on the lecture and all documents are available on Moodle. So please register for the lecture in Moodle.
This course provides an introduction to insurance economics.
Topics addressed include:
The lecture is designed for Bachelor and Master students of "Economathematics", "Mathematics", "Economics" or "Finance" that are at an advanced stage of their studies.
TBA. (See Moodle, for the dates of and further information on the exam).
Within this lecture it is possible to achieve the certificate of the German actuarial society (Deutsche Aktuar Vereinigung DAV) in "Wirtschaftliches und rechtliches Umfeld" (PO 4). Note that this certificate is equivalent to "Versicherungswirtschaftslehre" (PO 3).
This certificate is a basic requirement for becoming an actuary in Germany.
See Moodle, for the requirements for achieving the DAV certificate and for further information on the DAV supplement course and exam.
The main textbook
Further reading