- This lecture will be held in English.
- Further information on the lecture and all documents are available on Moodle.
Management of (Re-) Insurance Companies
German title of this lecture:
"Ausgewählte Aspekte im Management von (Rück-) Versicherungsunternehmen"
Dr. Wolfgang Schanz (Head of Actuarial Pricing Property / Casualty at SCOR Reinsurance)
Lecture in Ulm: tba
Presentations: tba
See Moodle for more information
Since the number of participants is limited you need to apply for this course no later than May 10, 2025 by sending an email to stefan.schelling(at)uni-ulm.de which should include the following information:
- name
- subject of study, number of semesters
- which lectures have you already heard in Actuarial Science, Financial Mathematics and Finance (including the current semester)?
- current transcript
Course Content
The topic this year is on new developments in modeling natural catastrophes (nat-cat) insurance. The insurance of nat-cat is a particularly interesting and challenging part of non-life insurance due to the enormous claim amounts involved. In the lecture and the projects the focus will be on
Nat-Cat Model Validation: How can natural catastrophe models, especially their results for high return periods, be validated with innovative approaches.
During the course the students will work in groups on given problems and present their solutions in the course.
Performance Requirements and Evaluation (subject to change)
To successfully pass this course, the following requirements need to be fulfilled by the participants/teams:
- Participation at the scheduled lessons
- Elaboration of an assigned subject:
- Setting up presentation slides for each team
- Each team member has to present a sub-suject of the assigned subject
- Consistent division (time wise and content wise) of the presentation for every team member (usually overall 45 min presentation and 15 min discussion for each team)
During the period of editing: The groups have the opportunity to receive feedback on their results several times during this phase.
Target Group
The course is offered to master degree students in (Wirtschafts-)Mathematik, Wirtschaftswissenschaften and in our Master of Finance Program, who specialize in Actuarial Sciences.
Reinsurance is an important area for actuaries where many of our alumni work - several of them at SCOR Reinsurance (the 4th largest reinsurer in the world). Therefore, this course is of particular interest for every student who considers reinsurers as potential future employers. Due to the interantional activities of reinsurance companies they also provide good opportunities for students who are not fluent in German.