Numerics of Elliptic Partial Differential Equations
The course "Numerics of elliptic partial differential equations" consists of one 2-hour lecture and one 2-hour exercise per week.
- The exam dates have been updated.
- Modelling with PDEs
- Theory and numerics of elliptic PDEs
- Non-conform methods
- MultiGrid
- A-posteriori error estimators
Lecture | Th, 8-10 | HeHo 22, E.04 |
| ||
Exercise | Th, 16-18 | HeHo 22, E.04 |
Exam Dates
- 15.03.18
- 26.03.18
- 09.04.18
The exam will be oral. Before registering for the exam, you need to pass the exercises (registration in the online portal). Then, you have to register for the exam online and make an appointment with Petra Hildebrand (by email).
Exercise Sheets
Exercises will take place Thursdays, weekly. Exercises will be conducted by a "voting" system. At the beginning of each exercise you have to cross the exercise problems you are ready to present. For each problem a student will be selected at random to present their solution.
If the solution is mostly correct and the student can explain their solution (subject to judgement of the exercise supervisor), the student gets full points for all of the problems they crossed out on the sheet. Otherwise the student forfeits all of their points for that exercise.
There will be two categories of points: for theory problems and for programming (MATLAB) problems. You require 50% of each to be admitted to the exam.
No. Sheet Due
1. | 8.11.18 | |
2. | Sheet2 | 8.11.18 |
3. | Sheet3 | 15.11.18 |
4. | Sheet4 | 22.11.18 |
5. | 29.11.18 | |
6. | 6.12.18 | |
7. | Sheet7 | 13.12.18 |
8. | Sheet8 | 20.12.18 |
9. | Sheet9 | 10.01.19 |
10. | 17.01.19 | |
11. | 24.01.19 | |
12. | Sheet12 | 31.01.19 |
13. | 7.02.19 | |
14. | Bonus | 21.02.19 |
A. Quarteroni, R. Sacco, F. Saleri: Numerische Mathematik 2, Springer 2002
A.Tveito, R. Winther: Einführung in partielle Differentialgleichungen - Ein numerischer Zugang, Springer 2002
D. Braess: Finite Elemente, 2. Aufl., Springer 1997P.
Knabner, L. Angermann: Numerik partieller Differentialgleichungen, Springer 2000
S.C. Brenner, L.R. Scott: The Mathematical Theory of Finite Element Methods, 2nd edition, Springer 2002
Ch. Großmann, H.-G. Roos: Numerik partieller Differentialgleichungen, Teubner 1994
W. Hackbusch: Theorie und Numerik elliptischer Differentialgleichungen, Teubner 1996
A. Meister: Numerik linearer Gleichungssysteme, Vieweg 1999
G. Dzuik: Theorie und Numerik Partieller Differentialgleichungen, De Gruyter 2010
W. Arendt, K. Urban: Partielle Differenzialgleichungen, Spektrum 2010
L. C. Evans: Partial Differential Equations, 2nd edition, AMS 2010
Exam and Requirements
Exam: oral.
To be admitted to the exam you have to actively participate at the exercises and achieve a minimum of 50% of all theory points and 50% of all coding points.