Field of Research: Numerical Optimization and Numerical Methods for Manifold Based Model Reduction
- Numerical methods for manifold based model reduction for nonlinear optimization problems with ordinary differential equation constraints
- Main Developer of AMMSoCK (A Manifold Baser Model Reduction Software for Chemical Kantics)
- Chemical kinetics in combustion mechanism including
- Thermodynamics
- Carbon-Hydrogen combustions
- Differential geometry and its application to manifold based model reduction:
- Calculation of Riemannian Curvature Tensor
- Time Sectional Curvatures

Short Curriculum Vitae
- since 05/2017
Development Engineer for Visual Advanced Driver Assistant Systems (ADAS) at Continental AG
- 01/2013 - 04/2017
Doctoral Student at the Department of Numerical Mathematics at Ulm University
- 11/2012 - 03/2015
Lecturer for Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Applied Science in Neu-Ulm
10/2010 - 11/2012Studies of Mathematics at Ulm University, Minor in Computer Science
Thesis: On Numerical Methods for Stiff Ordinary Differential Equation Systems
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dirk Lebiedz
Degree: Master of Science (M.Sc.)
10/2007 - 09/2010Studies of Mathematics at Ulm University, Minor in Computer Science
Thesis: Stable Implementation of Three-Term Recurrence Relations
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Funken
Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)- 09/1998 - 08/2007
High School (Wieland-Gymnasium in Biberach) with advanced courses in Biology and History.
- 1988
Born in Biberach an der Riß.
Conferences and Summer Schools
I participated at several conferences and summer schools:
- 07/2015: SIAM Conference on Control and Its Application, Paris, France
- 06/2015: IWMRRF - 5th International Workshop on Model Reduction in Reacting Flows, Schloss Lübbenau, Germany
- 08/2014: Summer School on Numerical Optimal Control, Freiburg, Germany
- 06/2014: NetCo 2014 - Conference on New Trends in Optimal Control, Tours, France
- 06/2013: IWMRRF - 4th International Workshop on Model Reduction in Reacting Flows, San Francisco, USA
- 10/2012: MoRePaS II - Second International Workshop on Model Reduction for Parametrized Systems, Günzburg, Germany
Supervised Thesis
In the last few years I supervised/am supervising several thesis in collaboration with Prof. Lebiedz:
- Michael Schneider: Towards Numerical Coupling of Slow Manifold Based Model Reduction and Optimal Control. Masterarbeit. Universität Ulm, 04/2016.
- Marcus Heitel: Comparison of Numerical Optimization Techniques for a Variational Problem Formulation of Manifold-based Model Reduction. Masterarbeit. Universität Ulm, 10/2015
- Jan Gabriel: Modellierung und Simulation einer nicht-vorgemischten Gleichstrom-Wasserstoff-Verbrennung. Bachelorarbeit. Universität Ulm, 06/2015.
In the last few years I supervised several exercise courses, namely:
- Winter Term 2016/2017: Modeling on the Road to Reality - History, Science and Philosophy
- Summer Term 2016: WiMa-Praktikum I
- Winter Term 2015/2015: Naturwissenschaftliche Modelltheorien und multiskalige dynamische Systeme
- Summer Term 2015: Numerik gewöhnlicher Differentialgleichungen (Numerik IV)
- Winter Term 2014/2015: Numerische Optimierung (Numerik III)
- Summer Term 2014: Numerische Analysis (Numerik II)
- Winter Term 2013/2014: Numerische Lineare Algebra (Numerik I)
- Summer Term 2013: Nichtlineare Optimierung und Optimale Steuerung
- Winter Term 2012/2013: Maßtheorie
- Summer Term 2012: Elemente der Funktionentheorie
- Winter Term 2011/12: Analysis II
- Summer Term 2011: Analysis I
- Winter Term 2010/11: Höhere Mathematik III für E-Techniker und Ingenieure
Besides, I gave some lectures on Mathematics and Statistics:
- Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Applied Science in Neu-Ulm: Winter Term 2012/2013, 2013/2014. 2014/2015 - Summer Term 2014
- Elementary Logic, Set Theory, Calculus at Ulmer Universitäts-Trainingscamp: 09/2012, 09/2013, 09/2014, 09/2015, 09/2016
Further, I've mentored some courses as a Tutor within my studies, e.g.
- 03/2012: Ulmer Universitäts-Frühjahrscamp
- Winter Term 2011/2012: Entwicklung von Datenbankanwendungen
- 09/2011: Ulmer Universitäts-Trainingscamp
- 09/2010: Ulmer Universitäts-Trainingscamp
- Summer Term 2010: Analysis II
- Winter Term 2009/2010: Analysis I
- 09/2009: Ulmer Universitäts-Trainingscamp
- Winter Term 2008/2009: Allgemeine Informatik I
Dr. Pascal Heiter

- Address:
- ADC Automotive Distance Control Systems GmbH, Continental AG
- Meininger Allee 5
- 89231 Neu-Ulm
- Pascal Heiter
- Telefon +49 (0)731 55035-2742