Leonie Langer

Research Interests

Variational problems arising in physics, in particular geometric flows of curvature with additional parameters and constraints.

Publications and Preprints

  • A. Dall'Acqua, G. Jankowiak, L. Langer, and F. Rupp: Conservation, convergence, and computation for evolving heterogeneous elastic wires, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 56:4 (2024), 4494-4529. (Journal) (ArXiv Preprint)
  • A. Dall'Acqua, L. Langer, and F. Rupp: A dynamic approach to heterogeneous elastic wiresJ. Differential Equations 392 (2024), 1-42. (Journal) (ArXiv Preprint)


  • A dynamic approach to heterogeneous elastic wires, Equadiff conference, Karlstad, June 2024
  • Convergence of the elastic flow with modulated stiffness, PhD Discussion Group of the Applied Analysis Group, Heidelberg University, June 2024
  • Evolving heterogeneous elastic wires, Arbeitsgruppenseminar Nichtlineare Partielle Differentialgleichungen, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, May 2024
  • Oberseminar Angewandte Analysis, Ulm University, February 2024
  • Murmelbahnen bauen - schnell, schneller, mit Mathematik am schnellsten! Tag der Mathematik, Ulm University, March 2023
  • Elastic flow with modulated stiffness, RMU Seminar Geometric Analysis, Technical University of Darmstadt, January 2023
  • A dynamic approach to heterogeneous elastic wires, Weekly Seminar of the Research Training Group Energy, Entropy, and Dissipative Dynamics, RWTH Aachen, November 2022
  • A dynamic approach to heterogeneous elastic wires, Summerschool Horizons in nonlinear PDEs, Ulm University, September 2022


  • A dynamic approach to heterogeneous elastic wires (second version) (Poster)
  • A dynamic approach to heterogeneous elastic wires (Poster)


Outgoings: Beratung und Anerkennung von Prüfungsleistungen
Incomings: Please refer to the Incomings section.

Contact Information

  • Helmholtzstraße 18
  • 89081 Ulm
  • Room E.24
  • Phone: 0731/ 50-23523
  • E-Mail: leonie.langer(at)uni-ulm.de

Office Hours

by appointment