PhD student of Prof. Dr. Anna Dall'Acqua
Dr. Fabian Rupp
You can find more information on my personal homepage.
Research Interests
- Variational problems arising in geometry, physics and engineering
- constrained gradient flows of higher order
- Willmore-Helfrich-flows of curves and surfaces
- geometric and topological features of Euler's elastic energy
- Lojasiewicz-Simon inequalities
Publications and Preprints
- T. Miura, M. Müller, F. Rupp. Optimal thresholds for preserving embeddedness of elastic flows (2021).
- F. Rupp. The Willmore flow with prescribed isoperimetric ratio (2021).
- M. Müller, F. Rupp. A Li-Yau inequality for the 1-dimensional Willmore energy (2021). Adv. Calc. Var. DOI: 10.1515/acv-2021-0014. (arXiv:2101.08509)
- F. Rupp. The volume-preserving Willmore flow (2020).
- F. Rupp, A. Spener. Existence and convergence of the length-preserving elastic flow of clamped curves (2020).
- F. Rupp. On the Lojasiewicz-Simon gradient inequality on submanifolds. J. Funct. Anal. 279 (2020), 108708. (arXiv:1907.09292)
Academic Talks
- August 2021: Online Seminar "Geometric Analysis". "A dynamic approach to the Canham problem" (available on YouTube).
- June 2021: Seminar AG Geometrie und Approximation, TU Darmstadt. "A gradient flow approach to the Canham problem".
- April 2021: Young Geometers Meeting, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. "The Willmore flow with prescribed volume''.
- April 2021: 2nd Geometric Analysis Festival. "A Li-Yau inequality for the one-dimensional Willmore energy'' (available on YouTube).
- December 2020: Online workshop in Geometric Analysis, University of Pisa/SNS Pisa. "The volume-preserving Willmore flow".
- March 2020: Weekly Seminar, EDDY Research Training Group, RWTH Aachen. "The constrained Łojasiewicz-Simon gradient inequality".
- November 2019: Winter School Gradient Flows and Variational Methods in PDEs, Ulm University. "The constrained Łojasiewicz–Simon gradient inequality".
- September 2019: DMV-Jahrestagung, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. "On the Łojasiewicz–Simon gradient inequality on submanifolds".
- SoSe 2021: Übungsleiter Gewöhnliche Differenzialgleichungen
- WiSe 2019/20: Übungsleiter Maßtheorie
- SoSe 2019: Übungsleiter Elementare Differentialgeometrie
- WiSe 2018/19: Seminar Approximationstheorie, Internetseminar Ergodic Theorems
- Spring 2018 (Syracuse University): Teaching Assistant Calculus II
- Fall 2017 (Syracuse University): Teaching Assistant Calculus I
- SoSe 2017: Übungsleiter Elemente der Funktionalanalysis
Contact Information
- Helmholtzstraße 18
- 89081 Ulm
- Room E.24
- Phone: 0731/ 50-23523
- E-Mail: fabian.rupp(at)
Office Hours
by appointment
Mailing Adress
Institute of Applied Analysis
University of Ulm
89069 Ulm, Germany