In September 2005, the Institute of Mathematical Finance opened the LBBW trading room. Currently, it is operated jointly with the Studienkommission Wirtschaftswissenschaften and the KIZ. The main feature of our trading room is the connection to the Refinitive EIKON Service, providing students and researchers with extensive access to both, real time data and historical time series. All details can be found here.
Generous financial support of LBBW to cover the licence fees of the professional software is gratefully acknowledged.

The LBBW trading room has opening hours from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm and can be accessed with a student or employee id card. To log into the computers a KIZ account is needed. In case of technical issues please contact the office of the Institute of Mathematical Finance or Alexander Rieber or Robert Stelzer.
Picture of the opening ceremony
Radio report of the 'Deutschlandfunk' (21/09/2005) (audio file)
Article in the 'Neu-Ulmer Zeitung' (22/09/2005)
Article in the 'Schwäbische Zeitung' (22/09/2005)
Article in the 'Augsburger Allgemeine' (22/09/2005)
Article in the 'Südwest Presse' (26/09/2005)
Article in the 'uni ulm intern' (Oktober 2005)
Article in the 'Handelsblatt' (24/02/2006)