Debugging support for Abstract State Machines
Dr. Alexander Raschke
Currently, I'm working mainly on the improvement of the usability of graphical diagram editors. Besides the empirical evaluation of the pitfalls of these tools, we also develop and evaluate new interaction techniques.
Besides that, I'm also interested in formale specification languages, mainly Abstract State Machines (ASMs). If you do not know what that means, see here:
Since I'm responsible for the software engineering projects in our software engineering course of studies, I'm also interested in solving all problems that arise when developing software in a team: communication (within the team, with the customer), workload distribution, quality assurance, programming skills, Continous Integration/-deployment, and much more.
Last but not least, I'm teaching functional programming with Haskell for over 10 years and as such, I'm also interested in the (beautiful) application of this programming paradigm.
Beiträge zu Verhandlungen
A Virtual Global Monorepo of Immutable Linked Data
MODELS Companion '24: Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 27th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems
September 2024
DOI: | 10.1145/3652620.3688222 |
EditQL: A Textual Query Language for Evolving Models
ACM / IEEE 27th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS'24)
September 2024
DOI: | 10.1145/3640310.3674101 |
Improving Collaborative Modeling by an Operation-Based Versioning Approach
Software Engineering 2024
März 2024
DOI: | 10.18420/sw2024_7 |
Collaboration And Versioning Framework – a Systematic Top-Down Approach
2nd International Hands-on Workshop on Collaborative Modeling (HoWCoM),, co-located with MODELS'23, Västerås, Sweden
Oktober 2023
DOI: | 10.1109/MODELS-C59198.2023.00124 |
A Systematic Review on Security and Safety of Self-adaptive Systems
Journal of Systems and Software
September 2023
DOI: | 10.1016/j.jss.2023.111716 |
A new versioning approach for collaboration in blended modeling
Journal of Computer Languages
August 2023
DOI: | 10.1016/j.cola.2023.101221 |
Beiträge zu Verhandlungen
Optimistic Versioning for Conflict-tolerant Collaborative Blended Modeling
FPVM 2022: 2nd International Workshop on Foundations and Practice of Visual Modeling
Juli 2022
Datei: | |
Blended modeling in commercial and open-source model-driven software engineering tools: A systematic study
Journal of Software and Systems Modeling
Juni 2022
DOI: | 10.1007/s10270-022-01010-3 |
Beiträge zu Verhandlungen
Towards model co-evolution across self-adaptation steps for combined safety and security analysis
SEAMS '22: Proceedings of the 17th Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems
DOI: | 10.1145/3524844.3528062 |
CouchEdit: A Relaxed Conformance Editing Approach
MLE ’20: 2nd International Workshop on Modeling Language Engineering and Execution
Oktober 2020
DOI: | 10.1145/3417990.3421401 |
Insights for Improving Diagram Editing Gained from an Empirical Study
Fourth International Workshop on Human Factors in Modeling
September 2019
DOI: | 10.1109/MODELS-C.2019.00063 |
Datei: |
Study Design Template for Identifying Usability Issues in Graphical Modeling Tools
2nd Workshop on Tools for Model Driven Engineering (MDETools'18) at MODELS'18, Copenhagen
Oktober 2018
Datei: |
Modeling Companion for Software Practitioners
Herausgeber: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
April 2018
DOI: | 10.1007/978-3-662-56641-1 |
Datei: | |
Beiträge zu Verhandlungen
Challenges and Research Directions for Successfully Applying MDE Tools in Practice
Model-Driven Engineering Tools Challenge (MDETools'17), Austin, Texas
Juli 2017
Towards a comprehensive extension of abstract state machines for aspect-oriented specification
Science of Computer Programming
Mai 2016
DOI: | 10.1016/j.scico.2016.04.007 |
Beiträge zu Verhandlungen
A Universal Control Construct for Abstract State Machines
Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, and Z, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference, ABZ 2016, Linz, Austria
Mai 2016
DOI: | 10.1007/978-3-319-33600-8_2 |
Datei: |
Unified Syntax for Abstract State Machines
Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, and Z, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference, ABZ 2016, Linz, Austria
Mai 2016
DOI: | 10.1007/978-3-319-33600-8_14 |
Datei: |
<prt>Introducing Aspect–Oriented Specification for Abstract State Machines</prt>
In Ait Ameur, Yamine and Schewe, Klaus-Dieter, Editor, Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, and Z Band 8477 aus Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Seite 174-187
Herausgeber: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
DOI: | 10.1007/978-3-662-43652-3_15 |
ISBN: | 978-3-662-43651-6 |
Beiträge zu Verhandlungen
Debugging Abstract State Machine Specifications: An Extension of CoreASM
Proceedings of the Posters & Tool demos Session, iFM 2012 & ABZ 2012
ISBN: | 978-88-7958-008-3 |
Datei: |
From Formal Semantics to Executable Models: A Pragmatic Approach to Model-Driven Development
International Journal of Software and Informatics, 5 (1-2, Part II) :291-312
Beiträge zu Verhandlungen
Translation of UML 2 Activity Diagrams into Finite State Machines for Model Checking
35th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA), Seite 149-154
Herausgeber: IEEE Computer Society
August 2009
DOI: | 10.1109/SEAA.2009.60 |
Empirical Validation of a Requirements Engineering Process Guide
In Budgen, D. and Turner, M. and Niazi, M., Editor, 13th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE)ausElectronic Workshops in Computing
In Budgen, D. and Turner, M. and Niazi, M., Editor
Herausgeber: The British Computer Society
April 2009
Entscheidungsdokumentation bei der Entwicklung innovativer Systeme für produktlinien-basierte Entwicklungsprozesse
aus Ulmer Informatik-Berichte
Dokument Nummer: 2008-04
Universität Ulm
Februar 2008
Beiträge zu Verhandlungen
An SMT Approach to Bounded Reachability Analysis of Model Programs
In Suzuki, K. and Higashino, T. and Yasumoto, K. and El-Fakih, K., Editor, Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems: FORTE 2008Band5048ausLecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 53-68
In Suzuki, K. and Higashino, T. and Yasumoto, K. and El-Fakih, K., Editor
Herausgeber: Springer-Verlag
DOI: | 10.1007/978-3-540-68855-6_4 |
ActiveCharts: Eine pragmatische Umsetzung der MDA mit UML2-Aktivitätsdiagrammen
OBJEKTspektrum (6)
Dr. Alexander Raschke

Institute of Software Engineering and Programming Languages
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11