Institute of Software Engineering and Programming Languages


Our research covers many aspects of software engineering and programming languages. In particular, we focus on domain-specific languages, software configuration, and constraint programming. We employ formalized theories, develop open-source tools, and apply empirical research methods.

Overview of our research topics


The institute represents the areas software engineering and programming languages in the bachelor and master programs of computer science and related fields. We offer the following mandatory courses in the Bachelor's program:

  • Interactive Systems Programming
  • Software Engineering
  • Software Project

Furthermore, we are responsible for the bachelor and master program Software Engineering.

Overview of the courses in the bachelor and master programs


Contact & Directions

Institute of Software Engineering and Programming Languages

Ulm University
D-89069 Ulm
Building O27, Level 4
Phone: +49 (0)731 / 50 - 24161



Newest publications


Alexander, Ian; Tavakoli Kolagari, Ramin
Putting Scenarios into Practice
In Alexander, I. and Maiden, N., Editor, Scenarios, Stories, Use Cases
Kapitel 22, Seite 431-444
Herausgeber: John Wiley & Sons
August 2004
Schrijvers, T.; Frühwirth, Thom
Implementing and Analysing Union-Find in CHR
Dokument Nummer: CW 389
Departement Computerwetenschappen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Juli 2004
Gehring, Wolfgang; Salamon, Peter; Whitney, Roger; Sibani, Paolo
Correlation structure of landscapes of NP-complete optimization problems at finite temperature
Open Systems and Information Dynamics, 11 (2) :177-184
Juni 2004
Hammori, Markus; Herbst, Joachim; Kleiner, Niko
Interactive Workflow Mining
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM '04), Potsdam
Juni 2004
Kleiner, Niko
Supporting Usage-Centered Design of Emerging Workflows
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM '04), Potsdam
Juni 2004