Institute of Software Engineering and Programming Languages


Our research covers many aspects of software engineering and programming languages. In particular, we focus on domain-specific languages, software configuration, and constraint programming. We employ formalized theories, develop open-source tools, and apply empirical research methods.

Overview of our research topics


The institute represents the areas software engineering and programming languages in the bachelor and master programs of computer science and related fields. We offer the following mandatory courses in the Bachelor's program:

  • Interactive Systems Programming
  • Software Engineering
  • Software Project

Furthermore, we are responsible for the bachelor and master program Software Engineering.

Overview of the courses in the bachelor and master programs


Contact & Directions

Institute of Software Engineering and Programming Languages

Ulm University
D-89069 Ulm
Building O27, Level 4
Phone: +49 (0)731 / 50 - 24161



Newest publications


Hürster, C. D.
Risikomanagement: Minimalscope für IT-Großprojekte
In Bleek, W.-G. and Schwentner, H. and Züllighoven, H., Editor, Software Engineering 2007: Beiträge zu den WorkshopsBandP-106ausLecture Notes in Informatics, Seite 329-332
In Bleek, W.-G. and Schwentner, H. and Züllighoven, H., Editor
Herausgeber: Gesellschaft für Informatik
Djelloul, Khalil; Dao, T.-B.-H.; Frühwirth, Thom
Toward a first-order extension of Prolog's unification using CHR: a CHR first-order constraint solver over finite or infinite trees
In Hung, C. C. and Rosa, A., Editor, Proceedings of the 2007 ACM symposium on Applied computing, SAC 2007, Seite 58-64
In Hung, C. C. and Rosa, A., Editor
Herausgeber: ACM Press


Guttmann, Walter; Möller, Bernhard
Normal Design Algebra
Dokument Nummer: 2006-28
Institut für Informatik, Universität Augsburg
Dezember 2006
Gerlich, Ralf
Schneller zum Ziel durch integrierte Testautomation
November 2006
Gerlich, Ralf; Gerlich, Rainer; Boll, Thomas; Chevalley, Philippe
Improving Test Automation by Deterministic Methods in Statistical Testing
In Ouwehand, L., Editor, DASIA 2006: Data Systems in Aerospace
In Ouwehand, L., Editor
Herausgeber: ESA Publications Division
Juli 2006