Prof. Dr. Heiko Neumann

I am heading the vision and perception science group focussing on the investigation of mechanisms and the underlying structure of visual information processing in biological and technical systems as well as their adaptation to changing environments. The topics of our investigation primarily focus on mechanisms of visual information processing, namely biological and machine vision and mechanisms of visual learning. This research is conducted in several projects which are funded by, e.g., the European Union, Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) und Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).

The results of neural modelling gain new insights into the computational mechanisms underlying complex brain functions for visual sensory processing and guiding behaviourally relevant tasks. These investigations also steer the development of new approaches and mechanisms for computational vision. Even further, these developments are applied in several domains, such as perceptual and attentive human-computer interfaces, biometric systems, automotive technologies, medical image analysis and recognition, and visually-guided robotics.

For further detailed information about the research group and its current and previous members, projects, and publications, please follow the link to detailed webpage below.

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