
Visit of our new Guest Professor Bo Nilsson from Uppsala University

Universität Ulm

Prof. Bo Nilsson will visit Ulm from October 30 till November 19, 2016

In cooperation with Prof. Dr. Markus Huber-Lang (Clinic for accident, hand, plastic and restoration surgery/ZBF) the Graduate School gladly announces the visit of  our new Guest Professor Bo Nilsson, Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology, Clinical Immunology, Clinical Innate Immunity, Uppsala University, Sweden.
He will come to Ulm from October 30 till November 19, 2016 and present three talks for the members of the IGradU:
Talk 1: "Complement activation mediated by activated platelets” on Thursday, November 3, 4:00 pm at N25 room H 8 + "Meet the Prof" after the lecture.

Talk 2: "Protein fingerprinting as a predictor of biocompatibility“, on Tuesday, November 8, 3:00 pm, at Besprechungszimmer ZBF, Helmholtzstr. 8/1 OG .

Talk 3: „Thromboinflammation in therapeutic medicine“, on  Thursday, November 10, 4:00 pm at Multimedia Room N 27, inclusive "Meet the Prof" after the lecture.

We mostly encourage you to attend his talks.

Please feel free to pass this information to every interested party.