
New Guest Scientist Travis Stracker from Barcelona

Universität Ulm

Travis Stracker will visit Ulm from June 19 till 24

Dear Students of IGradU,
The Graduate School gladly announces in cooperation with PD Dr. Melanie Philipp, Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology the visit of our new Guest Scientist Travis Stracker, Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB), Barcelona, Spain.
He will come to Ulm from June 19th till 24th and give two lectures for the IGradU:

Talk 1: "Genomic stability, rare diseases and cancer: beyond the DNA damage response" on Tuesday, June 20, 2:00 pm at N25 H9

Talk 2: “​The DNA damage response as a target in cancer therapy” on Thursday, June 22,  11:00 am at N27, Multimedia Room. This is part of PR-Series, Group V.

Please find the invitations and more information attached

We mostly encourage you to attend his lectures.

Please feel free to pass this information to every interested party.