
Congratulations to our graduates

Universität Ulm

Congratulations to all graduates who finished the PhD Programme of the International Graduate School in Molecular Medicine Ulm within the last 6 months.

Bayer, HannaDepartment of Neurology
Burczyk, MartinaBiochemistry and Molecular Biology 
Burkovski, AndreInstitute of Medical Systems Biology
Casar Tena, Teresa Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 
Feldmann, Eva-MariaDepartment of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
Gentner, EvaCancer Research
Gey, ManuelPhysiological Chemistry 
Halbgebauer, Steffen Department of Neurology
Huss, AndreDepartment of Neurology
Kratzer, RamonaGene Therapy
Krowiorz, KathrinInternal Medicien III
Langgartner,DominikInstitute of Molecular Virology
Mack, KatharinaInstitute of Molecular Virology
Reim, DominikInstitute for Anatomy and Cell Biology,
Rothe, MelanieBiochemistry and Molecular Biology 
Rudeck, StevenInternal Medicine II
Schneider, Edith Internal Medicine III
Segert, Julia Internal Medicine II
Sowada, Nadine Human Genetics
Wille, ChristophInternal Medicine I