Andres, M., H.-L. Bloecher, J. Dickmann
Automotive Active Safety & Comfort Functions using Radar
ICUWB 2009 - International Conference on Ultra-Wideband, Vancouver, Canada, Sept. 2009 PDF
Bloecher, H.-L., A. Sailer, M. Andres, M. Goppelt, J. Dickmann
Trends in Development of SiGe based 76-81 GHz Automotive Radar
International Radar Symposium 2009, Hamburg, Germany, Sept. 2009 PDF
Bonnaud, Olivier; Hoffmann, Michael H.W.
New Challenges for Doctoral Studies in Europe in the Field of Electrical and Information Engineering.
EUA Bologna Handbook - Making Bologna Work, E. Froment, J.P.L. Kohler, and L. Wilson, Eds., Berlin, Stuttgart: Raabe Academic Publishers, 2009, C4.4-4, pp.1-24. PDF
Feil, P., C. Migliaccio, Th. Kraus, W. Menzel
Short Range mm-Wave Imaging and Applications
Presentation auf dem Topical Meeting des ITG-Fachausschusses "Mikrowellentechnik", 15. Okt. 2009, Erlangen.
Feil, P., W. Mayer, C. Migliaccio, W. Menzel
Broadband Automotive Sensors in Industrial and Security Applications
IEEE Int. Microw. Symp. 2009, Boston, Workshop on “New Component Technologies for Vehicular and Industrial Radar Applications”.
Feil, Peter, Winfried Mayer, Wolfgang Menzel
A 77GHz Eight-Channel Shaped Beam Planar Reflector Antenna
3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,(EuCAP 2009), 23-27 March 2009, pp.1320-1323. PDF
Dieter, Sabine, Wolfgang Menzel, Alexander Moessinger, Stefan Mueller, Rolf Jakoby
Investigation Methods for Reconfigurable Liquid Crystal Reflectarrays
IEEE Int. Microw. Symp. 2009, Boston, Workshop on "Tunable RF-Components and Modules for Wireless Communication Systems".
Dieter, S., C. Fischer, W. Menzel
Single-Layer Unit Cells with Optimized Phase Angle Behavior
3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,(EuCAP 2009), 23-27 March 2009, pp.1149-1153. PDF
Dieter, S.; Menzel, W.
High-resolution probes for near-field measurements of reflectarray antennas
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2009, pp.157–160. PDF
Dieter, Sabine, Alexander Moessinger, Stefan Mueller, Wolfgang Menzel, Rolf Jakoby
Characterization of Reconfigurable LC-Reflectarrays Using Near-Field Measurements
German Microwave Conference, 2009, 16-18 March 2009, pp.1-4. PDF
Gautier, William, Volker Ziegler, Armin Stehle, Bernhard Schoenlinner, Ulrich Prechtel, Wolfgang Menzel
Ku-Band 3D LTCC Filter and BST-Varactor based Temperature Compensated Resonator
German Microwave Conference, 2009, 16-18 March 2009, pp.1-4. PDF
Gautier, W., A. Stehle, B. Schoenlinner, V. Ziegler, U. Prechtel, W. Menzel
Low-Loss Micro-Machined Four-Pole Linear Phase Filter in Silicon Technology
EuMC 2009, pp.1413–1416. PDF
Gautier, W., V. Ziegler, A. Stehle, B. Schoenlinner, U. Prechtel, W. Menzel
RF-MEMS Phased Array Antenna on Low-Loss LTCC Tape for Ka-Band Data Link
EuMC 2009, pp.914–917. PDF
Gautier, W., A. Stehle, B. Schoenlinner, V. Ziegler, U. Prechtel, W. Menzel
RF-MEMS Tunable Filters on Low-Loss LTCC Tape for UAV Data-Link
EuMC 2009, pp.1700–1703. PDF
Hoffmann, Michael H.W., Grünberg, J., Hampe, M., Heiß, H.-U., Müller, G., Schmitt, H.
A Sectoral Qualifications Framework for Engineers and Computer Scientists.
Proc. 20th EAEEIE Annual Conference on Innovations in Education for Electrical and Information Engineering, Valencia, 2009. ISBN: 978-1-4244-5386-3 PDF
Leib, Mario, Michael Frei, and Wolfgang Menzel
A Microstrip-Fed Ultra-Wideband Slot Antenna
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 2009 (APSURSI '09), 1-5 June 2009, pp.1-4.
Leib, Mario, Michael Frei, and Wolfgang Menzel
A Symmetrically Fed Aperture-Coupled Stacked-Patch Antenna
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 2009 (APSURSI '09), 1-5 June 2009, pp.1-4.
Liu, Changjun, Wolfgang Menzel
A Microstrip Diplexer from Metamaterial Transmission Lines
IEEE Int. Microw. Symp. 2009, Boston, pp.65–68. PDF
Liu, Changjun, Wolfgang Menzel
On the Relation between Composite Right/Left-Handed Transmission Lines and Chebyshev Filters
International Journal of Microwave Science and Technology, in press. PDF
Menzel, W., J. Li, S. Dieter
Folded reflectarray antenna based on a single layer reflector with increased phase angle range
3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,(EuCAP 2009), 23-27 March 2009, pp.2757-2760. PDF
Menzel, Wolfgang, Dominik Kessler
A folded reflectarray antenna for 2D scanning
German Microwave Conference, 2009, 16-18 March 2009, pp.1–4. PDF
Menzel, Wolfgang, Zimeng Yang
Lumped element suspended stripline couplers
German Microwave Conference, 2009, 16-18 March 2009, pp.1-4 . PDF
Menzel, Wolfgang, Jawad Al-Attari
Suspended Stripline Filters Integrated with Standard Multilayer Printed Circuit Boards
German Microwave Conference, 2009, 16-18 March 2009, pp.1–4.
Menzel W., and D. Talabur
Quasi-Lumped Suspended Stripline Bandstop Filters
Electronics Letters, Vol.45 (2009), no. 17, 99. 897–898. PDF
Menzel, Wolfgang, Ramakrishnan Ramasubramanian
Antenna pattern corrections using a space diversity of the antenna under test (AUT) on top of the turntable
Frequenz, Vol. 63 (2009), No. 63 (2009), no. 5-6, pp.93-96. PDF
Menzel, Wolfgang, Gerald Spring, Sabine Dieter
Planar Lens Using Embedded Quasi-Lumped-Element Stripline Filters
APMC 2009, paper no. TU3A-1. PDF
Migliaccio, C., J. Lanteri, J.-Y. Dauvignac, C. Pichot, P. Feil, W. Menzel
Investigation of Wideband Millimetre-Wave Reflectarrays for Radar Applications Operating in the W Band
3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,(EuCAP 2009), 23-27 March 2009, pp.826-830. PDF
Moessinger, A., S. Dieter, W. Menzel, S. Mueller, R. Jakoby
Realization and Characterization of a 77 GHz Reconfigurable Liquid Crystal Reflectarray
13th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics and the Canadian Radio Science Meeting, 2009 (ANTEM/URSI 2009), 15-18 Feb. 2009, pp.1-4. PDF
Moessinger, A., Dieter, S., Jakoby, R., Menzel, W., Mueller, S.
Reconfigurable LC-reflectarray setup and characterisation
3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation,(EuCAP 2009), 23-27 March 2009, pp.2761-2765. PDF
Mueller, Rainer, Christian Fuchs, Ralf Lorch, and Wolfgang Menzel
A Conformal UHF Slot Type Direction Finding Antenna With Optimized Radar Cross Section
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 2009 (APSURSI '09), 1-5 June 2009, pp.1-4. PDF
NGUYEN, Truc Phong, Claire MIGLIACCIO, Christian PICHOT, Wolfgang MENZEL, Peter FEIL
Etude d’une antenne en cosécante carrée pour la détection de débris sur pistes d’aéroport
16èmes Journées Nationales Microondes (JNM2009), 27-29 Mai 2009, Grenoble, France. Papier 4E-15, p.130, fichier CD: 4E-15.pdf.
Nguyen, T.P., Ch. Pichot, C. Migliaccio, W. Menzel
Study of folded reflector multibeam antenna with dielectric rods as primary source
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2009, pp.786–789. PDF
Sangha, G.S., Hoffmann, Michael H.W.
Experimental Study of Noise in a Frequency Synthesizer
AIP Conf. Pro. (20. International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations), Vol. 1129, pp.505-508, Pisa, 2009 PDF
Sun, Sheng, Rui Li, Lei Zhu, Wolfgang Menzel
Studies on Synthesis Design of Ultra-Wideband Parallel-Coupled Line Bandpass Filters with Chebyshev Responses
APMC 2009, paper no. TU4C-1. PDF
Thiasiriphet, Thanawat, Mario Leib, Dayang Lin, Bernd Schleicher, Jürgen Lindner, Wolfgang Menzel and Hermann Schumacher
Investigations on a Comb Filter Approach for IR-UWB Systems
Frequenz, Vol. 63 (2009), No. 9 – 10, pp.179–182. PDF
Thiriet, Jean-Marc; Burkley, Cyril; Hoffmann, Michael H.W.; Jasenek, Jozef; Martins, Maria João Marques; Robert, Michel; Ward, Anthony
Implementation of the Bologna process in Electrical and Information Engineering in Europe: present situation and evolutions.
EUA Bologna Handbook - Making Bologna Work, E. Froment, J.P.L. Kohler, and L. Wilson, Eds., Berlin, Stuttgart: Raabe Academic Publishers, 2009, pp. C 5.1-6, pp. 1-26. PDF
Thiriet, J. M.; Ward, A. E.; Martins, M. J.; Deniz, D.; Pasquet, D.; Hoffmann, M.; Fremont, H.; Yahoui, H.; Bonnaud, O.; Robert, M.; Barsics, J.; Benlloch-Dualde, J. V.
Results and dissemination of the EIE-Surveyor thematic network
EAEEIE Annual Conference, 2009, pp. 1-6, 2009. PDF
Zeitler, A., T.P. Nguyen, P. Feil, C. Migliaccio
Antennes Reseaux Reflecteurs En Cosecante Carree Pour Application Fod Dans La Bande 76-81GHz
GDR Ondes 2009, 2-4 Novembre 2009, Paris, Posters GT4 PDF