Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Joachim Deutscher


since 04/2020Full professor (W3-Professor o. L.) for Measurement and Control at the Institute of Measurement, Control and Microtechnology, Ulm University, Germany
2017Professor (Außerplanmäßiger Professor) at the Chair of Automatic Control, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
2011Associate professor (Privatdozent) at the Chair of Automatic Control, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
2010Postdoctoral qualification (Dr.-Ing. habil.) in Control Theory, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Habilitation thesis: "The state space approach to the two-degree-of-freedom control of linear distributed-parameter systems"  [Link]
2003Dissertation (Dr.-Ing.) in Electrical Engineering, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Doctoral thesis: "Flatness based control of multivariable systems using linear differential operator representations"  [Link]
1999Diplom (Dipl.-Ing. Univ.) in Electrical Engineering, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Diploma thesis: "The parametric approach in the frequency domain"
1996Diplom (Dipl.-Ing. (FH)) in Electrical Engineering, University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt-Aschaffenburg, Germany
Diploma thesis: "Adaptive control using a discrete-time PID controller"

Research Interests

  • Distributed-parameter systems: networked control of multi-agent systems, output regulation, backstepping approach and data-driven control
  • Nonlinear systems: robotics, two-degrees-of-freedom control design and flatness-based method

PhD Students

See also the webpage of my research group for more details.

Selected Invited Talks

  • Formation control of lumped- and distributed-parameter multi-agent systems with applications
    Invited talk at the KoRaTo seminar, Institute for Micowave Engineering, Ulm University, 2024
  • Cooperative output regulation for multi-agent systems using PDE methods
    Plenary talk at the Workshop IMR 23: Internal-Model based Regulation, Université Paris-Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 2023
  • Robust cooperative output regulation for hyperbolic PDE-ODE systems
    Plenary talk at the 3rd Workshop on Stability and Control of Infinite-Dimensional Systems (SCINDIS 2020), Wuppertal, Germany, 2021
  • Störgrößenaufschaltung für heterodirektionale hyperbolische Systeme in minimaler Zeit
    Institute of Automatic Control and Control System Technology, JKU Linz, Austria, 2018
  • Backstepping für gekoppelte heterodirektionale hyperbolische ODE-PDE-ODE-Systeme
    Kolloquium „Theorie und Anwendung örtlich verteilter Systeme“, Institute of Automation and Control Engineering, UMIT, Hall in Tirol, Austria, 2018
  • Backstepping-based output regulation for linear 2×2 hyperbolic systems
    Chair of Applied Mathematics 2, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, 2016
  • Backstepping-Entwurf flachheitsbasierter Folgeregler mit robuster asymptotischer Störkompensation
    Kolloquium zur Theorie und Praxis von Systemen mit verteilten Parametern, Chair of Systems Theory and Control Engineering, Saarland University, Germany, 2015
  • Direkter Entwurf endlich-dimensionaler Regler für lineare unendlich-dimensionale Systeme
    Chair of Applied Mathematics 2, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany,  2011
  • Output regulation for linear distributed-parameter systems using finite-dimensional dual observers
    7th Workshop on Control of Distributed Parameter Systems (CDPS), Wuppertal, Germany, 2011
  • Vollständige Modale Synthese endlich-dimensionaler Ausgangsrückführungen für lineare verteilt-parametrische Systeme
    Chair of Automatic Control, TU Munich, Germany, 2010
  • Führungs- und Störgrößenaufschaltung für lineare verteilt-parametrische Systeme
    Professur für Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik EIT 8.1, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany, 2009
  • Vollständige Modale Synthese linearer verteilt-parametrischer Systeme
    Control Systems and Mechatronics Laboratory, TU Darmstadt, Germany, 2007


2024at-Best Paper Award (with N. Gehring, A. Irscheid, F. Woittennek, J. Rudolph), rubric surveys, for the paper „Control of distributed-parameter systems using normal forms: An introduction”
2022at-Best Paper Award (with A. Lomakin), rubric methods, for the paper „Algebraic detection and identification of parameter faults for robots”
2018Outstanding Paper Award (with R. Kern, N. Gehring and M. Meißner) for the paper "Design and experimental validation of an output feedback controller for a pneumatic system with distributed parameters" at the ICCAS 2018
2017Nomination as outstanding reviewer for Automatica
2014at-Best Paper Award (with G. Roppenecker), rubric methods, for the paper „Robust asymptotic disturbance rejection using observer-based disturbance feedforward”
2011at-Best Paper Award, rubric methods, for the paper „Design of dual disturbance observers for linear lumped- and distributed-parameter systems”
2011Wolfgang-Finkelnburg-Award of the Universitätsbund Erlangen-Nürnberg e.V. for the habilitation thesis
2010at-Best Paper Award (with Ch. Harkort), rubric methods, for the paper „Reference and disturbance feedforward controllers for linear distributed-parameter systems”
2006Best-Poster-Award (with M. Bäuml) at the MATHMOD, Vienna, for the paper „A state space embedding approach to time descretization via an approximate normal form”
2004Dissertation thesis award from the Staedtler-Stiftung, Nuremberg

Editorial Activities

  • Member of the IPC for the 5th Workshop on the Control of Systems Governed by Partial Differential Equations (CPDE 2025) in Beijing, China
  • Co-Editor, jointly with J. Auriol, G. Mazanti and G. Valmorbida for the book Advances in distributed parameter systems (Advances in Delays and Dynamics, 14, Band 14), Springer, 2022
  • since 09/2018 Associate Editor for IFAC-journal Automatica
  • Guest Editor, jointly with Th. Meurer and F. Woittennek of a special issue on Distributed Parameter Systems, at-Automatisierungstechnik 65(5), May 2017

Engagement in the scientific system

  • since 2024 Chair of the Technical Committee 2.14 "System Theory and Control Engineering " of the Society for Measurement and Automation (GMA), Association of German Engineers (VDI)

Membership in Technical Committees

  • IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Link)
  • IFAC-TC 2.6 Distributed parameter systems (Link)
  • IEEE-TC Distributed parameter systems (Link)
  • GMA-FA 2.14 „Systemtheorie und Regelungstechnik” (Link)
  • GMA-FA 2.13 „Modellbildung, Identifikation und Simulation in der Automatisierungstechnik” (Link)
  • GAMM-FA „Dynamik und Regelungstheorie” (Link)
  • VDI - Verband Deutscher Ingenieure (Link)
  • DHV - Deutscher Hochschulverband (Link)


Social Media

Current Research Projects

See the webpage of my research group for details.


  • Deutscher, J.: State feedback control of distributed-parameter systems (in German).
    Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2012. [Link]
    Related habilitation thesis awarded with the Wolfgang-Finkelnburg-Award of the Universitätsbund Erlangen-Nürnberg e.V.
  • Hippe, P. and Deutscher, J.: Design of observer-based compensators - from the time to the frequency domain.
    Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2009. [Link] [MATLAB files of the examples]

  • Gabriel, J.: Cooperative output regulation for networks of hyperbolic PDE-ODE systems.
    Doctoral thesis, Universität Ulm, 2023.  [oparu at Ulm University]
  • Fischer, F.: Fault diagnosis for distributed-parameter systems using integral transformations and trajectory planning methods.
    Doctoral thesis, Universität Ulm, 2022. [oparu at Ulm University]
  • Kerschbaum, S.: Backstepping control of coupled parabolic systems with varying parameters.
    Doctoral thesis, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. FAU Forschungen, Reihe B, Medizin, Naturwissenschaft, Technik 36, FAU University Press, Erlangen, 2021. [OPUS at the Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg]
  • Popp, J.: Optimizing the efficiency of a hybrid diesel power unit using extremum seeking and optimal control (in German).
    Doctoral thesis, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. FAU Forschungen, Reihe B, Medizin, Naturwissenschaft, Technik 25, FAU University Press, Erlangen, 2019. [OPUS at the Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg]
  • Harkort, Ch.: Early-lumping based controller synthesis for linear infinite-dimensional systems.
    Doctoral thesis, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. FAU Forschungen, Reihe B, Medizin, Naturwissenschaft, Technik 1, FAU University Press, Erlangen, 2014. [OPUS at the Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg]
    Awarded with the dissertation thesis award from the Freundeskreis of the Faculty of Engineering.
  • Bäuml, M.: Analysis and synthesis of nonlinear control systems using sum-of-squares-programming (in German).
    Doctoral thesis, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. Berichte aus der Steuerungs- und Regelungstechnik, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2012. [Link]
  • Müller, B.: Two-step Trajectory planning for automatic parking.
    Doctoral thesis, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. Berichte aus der Steuerungs- und Regelungstechnik, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2009. [PDF]
  • Antritter, F.: Tracking controller design for nonlinear dynamics using differential parameterizations.
    Doctoral thesis, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. Berichte aus der Steuerungs- und Regelungstechnik, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2007. [Link]


  • Auriol, J., Deutscher, J., Mazanti, G. and Valmorbida G. (eds): Advances in destributed parameter systems.
    Advances in Delays and Dynamics, vol 14, Springer, Cham, 2022.


  • Woittennek, F., Deutscher, J. and Meurer, Th.: Special Issue: Methods and applications of distributed-parameter systems (in German).
    at-Automatisierungstechnik 65 (2017), pp. 295-297.


  • Deutscher, J. and Enderes, T.: A Koopman operator approach to data-driven control of semilinear parabolic systems.
    Submitted to IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, 2024.
  • Enderes, T. and Deutscher, J.: Robust cooperative output regulation for linear multi-agent systems with unknown leader and disturbances.
    Submitted to Syst. Control Lett., 2024.
  • Deutscher, J. and Zimmer, J.: A Koopman-backstepping approach to data-driven robust output regulation for parabolic systems.
    Provisionally accepted for Automatica, 2025.
  • Gehring, N., Deutscher, J. and Irscheid, A.: Backstepping design of dynamic observers for hyperbolic systems.
    Accepted for IEEE Control Syst. Lett., 2025. [DOI]
  • Enderes, T. and Deutscher, J.: Cooperative robust output regulation for networks of hyperbolic systems with unknown signal models.
    Int. J. Robust and Nonlinear Control 35 (2025), pp. 1355–1367. [DOI]
  • Deutscher, J. and Jung, N.: PDE-based containment control of linear multi-agent systems.
    Int. J. Robust and Nonlinear Control 35 (2025), pp. 743-769. [DOI]
  • Deutscher, J.: Data-driven control of linear parabolic systems using Koopman eigenstructure assignment. 
    IEEE Trans. Autom. Control 70 (2025), pp. 665-672. [DOI]
  • Gehring, N., Deutscher, J. and Irscheid, A.: Using dynamic extensions for the backstepping control of hyperbolic systems.
    Automatica 25 (2025), 112032. [DOI]


  • Deutscher, J.: Data-driven robust output regulation of continuous-time LTI systems using Koopman operators. 
    IEEE Trans. Autom. Control 69 (2024), pp. 8774-8781. [DOI]
  • Jung, N. and Deutscher, J.: Containment control of linear multi-agent systems using continuum models (in German).
    at-Automatisierungstechnik 72 (2024), pp. 720–732. [DOI]
  • Irscheid, A., Gehring, N., Deutscher, J. and Rudolph, J.: Stabilizing nonlinear ODEs with diffusive actuator dynamics.
    IEEE Control Sys. Lett. 8 (2024), pp. 1259-1264. [DOI]
  • Deutscher, J., Gehring, N. and Jung, N.: Backstepping control of coupled general hyperbolic-parabolic PDE-PDE systems. 
    IEEE Trans. Autom. Control 69 (2024), pp. 3465-3472. [DOI]
  • Gabriel, J. and Deutscher, J.: Robust cooperative output regulation for networks of hyperbolic PIDE-ODE systems. 
    IEEE Trans. Autom. Control 69 (2024), pp. 888-903. [DOI]
  • Enderes, T., Gabriel, J. and Deutscher, J.: Cooperative output regulation for networks of hyperbolic systems using adaptive cooperative observers.
    Automatica 162 (2024), 111506. [DOI]


  • Gehring, N., Irscheid, A., Deutscher, J., Woittennek, F. and Rudolph, J.: Control of distributed-parameter systems using normal forms: An introduction.
    at-Automatisierungstechnik 71 (2023), pp. 624-646. [DOI]
    Awarded with the at best paper award 2023 in the area of surveys.
  • Irscheid, A., Deutscher, J., Gehring, N. and Rudolph, J.: Output regulation for general heterodirectional linear hyperbolic PDEs coupled with nonlinear ODEs.
    Automatica 148 (2023), 110748. [DOI]


  • Lomakin, A. and Deutscher, J.: Reliable algebraic fault detection and identification of robots.
    IEEE Trans. Aut. Science and Engineering 19 (2022), pp. 3821-3837. [DOI]
  • Deutscher, J.: Robust cooperative output regulation for a network of parabolic PDE systems.
    IEEE Trans. Autom. Control 67 (2022), pp. 451-459. [DOI]
  • Fischer, F. and Deutscher, J.: Fault diagnosis for linear heterodirectional hyperbolic ODE-PDE systems using backstepping-based trajectory planning.
    Automatica 135 (2022), 109952. [DOI]
  • Kerschbaum, S. and Deutscher, J.: Bilateral backstepping control of coupled linear parabolic PDEs with spatially varying coefficients.
    Automatica 135 (2022), 109923. [DOI]


  • Deutscher, J. and Gehring, N.: Output feedback control of coupled linear parabolic ODE-PDE-ODE systems.
    IEEE Trans. Autom. Control 66 (2021), pp. 4668-4683. [DOI]
  • Lomakin, A. and Deutscher, J.: Algebraic detection and identification of parameter faults for robots (in German).
    at-Automatisierungstechnik 69 (2021), pp. 645-655. [DOI]
    Awarded with the at best paper award 2021 in the area of methods.
  • Deutscher, J.: Cooperative output regulation for a network of parabolic systems with varying parameters.
    Automatica 125 (2021), 109446. [DOI]
  • Deutscher, J. and Gabriel, J.: A backstepping approach to output regulation for coupled linear wave-ODE systems.
    Automatica 123 (2021), 109338. [DOI]


  • Deutscher, J. and Gabriel, J.: Minimum time output regulation for general linear heterodirectional hyperbolic systems.
    Int. J. Control 93 (2020), pp. 1826-1838. [DOI]
  • Kerschbaum, S. and Deutscher, J.: Backstepping control of coupled linear parabolic PDEs with space and time dependent coefficients.
    IEEE Trans. Autom. Control 65 (2020), pp. 3060-3067. [DOI]
  • Deutscher, J. and Gabriel, J.: Fredholm backstepping control of coupled linear parabolic PDEs with input and output delays.
    IEEE Trans. Autom. Control 65 (2020), pp. 3128-3135. [DOI]
  • Deutscher, J. and Kerschbaum, S.: Robust output regulation by state feedback control for coupled linear parabolic PIDEs.
    IEEE Trans. Autom. Control 65 (2020), pp. 2207-2214. [DOI]
  • Fischer, F. and Deutscher, J.: Flatness-based algebraic fault diagnosis for distributed-parameter systems.
    Automatica 117 (2020), 108987. [DOI]


  • Popp, J. and Deutscher, J.: Optimizing a hybrid diesel power unit using extremum seeking control.
    IEEE Control Sys. Technology 27 (2019), pp. 2068-2084. [DOI]
  • Deutscher, J., Gehring, N. and Kern, R.: Output feedback control of general linear heterodirectional hyperbolic PDE-ODE systems with spatially-varying coefficients.
    Int. J. Control 92 (2019), pp. 2274-2290. [DOI]
  • Fischer, F. and Deutscher, J.: Flatness-based algebraic fault diagnosis for an Euler-Bernoulli beam using modulating functions (in German).
    at-Automatisierungstechnik 67 (2019), pp. 622-636. [DOI]
  • Deutscher, J. and Gabriel, J.: Periodic output regulation for general linear heterodirectional hyperbolic systems.
    Automatica 103 (2019), pp. 208-216. [DOI]
  • Deutscher, J. and Kerschbaum, S.: Output regulation for coupled linear parabolic PIDEs.
    Automatica 100 (2019), pp. 360-370. [DOI]


  • Deutscher, J. and Kerschbaum, S.: Backstepping control of coupled linear parabolic PIDEs with spatially varying coefficients.
    IEEE Trans. Autom. Control 63 (2018), pp. 4218-4233. [DOI]
  • Deutscher, J. and Gabriel, J.: Robust state feedback regulator design for general linear heterodirectional hyperbolic systems.
    IEEE Trans. Autom. Control 63 (2018), pp. 2620-2627. [DOI]
  • Deutscher, J. and Kerschbaum, S.: Backstepping for coupled parabolic systems with spatially varying coefficients (in German).
    at-Automatisierungstechnik 66 (2018), pp. 558-572. [DOI]
  • Deutscher, J., Gehring, N. and Kern, R.: Output feedback control of general linear heterodirectional hyperbolic ODE-PDE-ODE systems.
    Automatica 95 (2018), pp. 472-480. [DOI]


  • Popp, J. and Deutscher, J.: Optimizing the efficiency of a single-cylinder diesel generator by using optimal and extremum seeking control (in German).
    Forsch. Ingenieurwes. 81 (2017), pp. 421-435. [DOI]
  • Deutscher, J.: Backstepping design of robust state feedback regulators for linear 2x2 hyperbolic systems.
    IEEE Trans. Autom. Control 62 (2017), pp. 5240-5247. [DOI]
  • Deutscher, J.: Output regulation for general linear heterodirectional hyperbolic systems with spatially-varying coefficients.
    Automatica 85 (2017), pp. 34-42. [DOI]
  • Deutscher, J.: Robust output regulation by observer-based feedforward control.
    Int. J. Systems Science 48 (2017), pp. 795-804. [DOI]
  • Deutscher, J.: Finite-time output regulation for linear 2x2 hyperbolic systems using backstepping.
    Automatica 75 (2017), pp. 54-62. [DOI]


  • Kerschbaum, S. and Deutscher, J.: Backstepping-based output regulation for systems with infinite-dimensional actuator and sensor dynamics.
    PAMM 16 (2016), pp. 43-46. [DOI]
  • Deutscher, J.: Backstepping design of robust output feedback regulators for boundary controlled parabolic PDEs.
    IEEE Trans. Autom. Control 61 (2016), pp. 2288-2294. [DOI]
  • Deutscher, J.: Fault detection for distributed-parameter systems using finite-dimensional functional observers.
    Int. J. Control 89 (2016), pp. 550-563. [DOI]


  • Deutscher, J.: Backstepping design of flatness-based tracking controllers with robust disturbance rejection for parabolic PDEs (in German). 
    at-Automatisierungstechnik 63 (2015), pp. 953-967. [DOI]
  • Deutscher, J.: A backstepping approach to the output regulation of boundary controlled parabolic PDEs.
    Automatica 57 (2015), pp. 56-64. [DOI]


  • Deutscher, J. and Roppenecker, G.: Robust asymptotic disturbance rejection using observer-based disturbance feedforward (in German). 
    at-Automatisierungstechnik 62 (2014), pp. 547-561. [DOI]
    Awarded with the at best paper award 2014 in the area of methods.
  • Deutscher, J. and Harkort, Ch.: Structure preserving approximation of distributed-parameter second order systems using Krylov subspaces.
    Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems 20 (2014), pp. 395-413. [DOI]
  • Deutscher, J.: Dual observer-based compensators for nonlinear systems. 
    Int. J. Robust and Nonlinear Control 24 (2014), pp. 110-122. [DOI]


  • Deutscher, J. and Harkort, Ch.: Approximation of distributed-parameter second order systems using Krylov subspace methods (in German).
    at-Automatisierungstechnik 61 (2013), pp. 533-544. [DOI]
  • Deutscher, J.: Output regulation for linear singular systems using dual observer-based compensators.
    Int. J. Control 86 (2013), pp. 934-941. [DOI]
  • Deutscher, J.: Output coupling control of linear distributed-parameter systems (in German).
    at-Automatisierungstechnik 61 (2013), pp. 143-154. [DOI]
  • Deutscher, J.: Finite-dimensional dual state feedback control of linear boundary control systems.
    Int. J. Control 86 (2013), pp. 41-53. [DOI]


  • Harkort, Ch. and Deutscher, J.: Structure preserving approximation of linear distributed-parameter PCHD-Systems (in German).
    at-Automatisierungstechnik 60 (2012), pp. 534-546. [DOI]
  • Harkort, Ch. and Deutscher, J.: Stability and passivity preserving Petrov-Galerkin approximation of linear infinite-dimensional systems.
    Automatica 48 (2012), pp. 1347-1352. [DOI]
  • Deutscher, J.: Disturbance rejection for linear descriptor systems using dual state feedback controllers (in German). 
    at-Automatisierungstechnik 60 (2012), pp. 134-143. [DOI]


  • Deutscher, J.: Output regulation for linear distributed-parameter systems using finite-dimensional dual observers.
    Automatica 47 (2011), pp. 2468-2473. [DOI]
  • Deutscher, J.: Design of dual disturbance observers for linear lumped- and distributed-parameter systems (in German).
    at-Automatisierungstechnik 59 (2011), pp. 552-562. [DOI]
    Awarded with the at best paper award 2011 in the area of methods.
  • Bäuml, M. and Deutscher, J.: Design of output feedback controllers for nonlinear systems using Sum-of-Squares-Programming (in German).
    at-Automatisierungstechnik 59 (2011), pp. 364-373. [DOI]
  • Harkort, Ch. and Deutscher, J.: Krylov subspace methods for linear infinite-dimensional systems.
    IEEE Trans. Autom. Control 56 (2011), pp. 441-447. [DOI]
  • Harkort, Ch. and Deutscher, J.: Finite-dimensional observer-based control of linear distributed-parameter systems using cascaded output observers.
    Int. J. Control 84 (2011), pp. 107-122. [DOI]


  • Deutscher, J. and Harkort, Ch.: Parametric approach to the decoupling of linear distributed-parameter systems.
    IET Control Theory Appl. 4 (2010), pp. 2855-2866. [DOI]
  • Deutscher, J. and Harkort, Ch.: Finite-dimensional control of linear distributed-parameter systems using output observation (in German).
    at-Automatisierungstechnik 58 (2010), pp. 435-446. [DOI]
  • Deutscher, J. and Harkort, Ch.: A parametric approach to finite-dimensional control of linear distributed-parameter systems.
    Int. J. Control 83 (2010), pp. 1674-1685. [DOI]
  • Antritter, F. and Deutscher, J.: Tracking control for nonlinear single input systems using linear time-varying output feedback (in German).
    at-Automatisierungstechnik 58 (2010), pp. 383-393. [DOI]
  • Deutscher, J.: Design of output feedback controllers for systems with input saturation (in German).
    at-Automatisierungstechnik 58 (2010), pp. 332-340. [DOI]
  • Deutscher, J. and Harkort, Ch.: Reference and disturbance feedforward controllers for linear distributed-parameter systems (in German).
    at-Automatisierungstechnik 58 (2010), pp. 27-37. [DOI]
    Awarded with the at best paper award 2010 in the area of methods.


  • Hippe, P. and Deutscher, J.: Windup prevention for MIMO systems in the frequency domain.
    Archives of Control Sciences 19 (2009), pp. 355-369.
  • Deutscher, J. and Harkort, Ch.: Parametric state feedback design of linear distributed-parameter systems.
    Int. J. Control 82 (2009), pp. 1060-1069. [DOI]


  • Deutscher, J. and Harkort, Ch.: Parametric state feedback design for a heat conductor (in German).
    at-Automatisierungstechnik 56 (2008), pp. 539-548. [DOI]


  • Deutscher, J.: Design of nonlinear observers for autonomous systems using Lyapunov's Auxiliary Theorem (in German).
    at-Automatisierungstechnik 55 (2007), pp. 468-476. [DOI]
  • Müller, B. and Deutscher, J.: Continuous curvature trajectory design and feedforward control for parking a car.
    IEEE Trans. Control Sys. Technology 15 (2007), pp. 541-553. [DOI]
  • Müller, B., Deutscher, J., Grodde, S. and Roppenecker, G.: Universal trajectory planning for automatic parking.
    ATZ Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift 109 (2007), pp. 66-71. [DOI]


  • Antritter, F. and Deutscher, J.: Trajectory design using differential parameterizations.
    PAMM 6 (2006), pp. 795-796. [DOI]
  • Deutscher, J.: A parametric frequency domain approach to decoupling with coupled rows.
    Int. J. Systems Science 37 (2006), pp. 735-746. [DOI]
  • Deutscher, J. and Bäuml, M.: Design of nonlinear observers with approximately linear error dynamics using multivariable Legendre polynomials.
    Int. J. Robust and Nonlinear Control 16 (2006), pp. 709-727. [DOI]
  • Deutscher, J. and Schmid, Ch.: A state space embedding approach to approximate feedback linearization of nonlinear single input control systems.
    Int. J. Robust and Nonlinear Control 16 (2006), pp. 421-440. [DOI]


  • Deutscher, J.: Nonlinear model simplification using L2-optimal bilinearization.
    Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems 11 (2005), pp. 1-19. [DOI]
  • Deutscher, J.: Input-output linearization of nonlinear systems using multivariable Legendre polynomials. 
    Automatica 41 (2005), pp. 299-304. [DOI]


  • Deutscher, J.: A linear differential operator approach to flatness based tracking for linear and non-linear systems.
    Int. J. Control 76 (2003), pp. 266-276. [DOI]


  • Deutscher, J.: Frequency domain design of reduced order observer based H_inf controllers - a polynomial approach.
    Int. J. Control 75 (2002), pp. 1196-1212. [DOI]


  • Deutscher, J. and Hippe, P.: Parametric compensator design in the frequency domain.
    Int. J. Control 74 (2001), pp. 1467-1480. [DOI]


  • Deutscher, J. and Hippe, P.: Complete Modal Synthesis in the Frequency Domain (in German).
    at-Automatisierungstechnik 48 (2000), pp. 26-34. [DOI]


  • Fischer, F. and Deutscher, J.: Fault detection for distributed-parameter systems using integral transformations.
    IFAC-PapersOnLine 55 (2022), pp. 33-38, Proc. CPDE 2022 in Kiel, Germany.
  • Gabriel, J. and Deutscher, J.: Output feedback synchronization for networks of hyperbolic PDE–ODE systems.
    IFAC-PapersOnLine 55 (2022), pp. 119-124, Proc. CPDE 2022 in Kiel, Germany.
  • Irscheid, A., Gehring, N., Deutscher, J. and Rudolph, J.: Tracking control for 2×2 linear heterodirectional hyperbolic PDEs that are bidirectionally coupled with nonlinear ODEs.
    In: Auriol, J., Deutscher, J., Mazanti, G., Valmorbida, G. (eds): Advances in Distributed Parameter Systems. Advances in Delays and Dynamics, vol 14. Springer, Cham, 2022, pp. 117-142.


  • Fischer, F.,  Todorovski, V. and Deutscher, J.: Fault detection for lumped-parameter LTI systems using integral transformations and trajectory planning methods. 
    Proc. SysTol'21, Saint-Raphaël, France, pp. 79-84.
  • Irscheid, A., Gehring, N., Deutscher, J. and Rudolph, J.: Observer design for 2 x 2 linear hyperbolic PDEs that are bidirectionally coupled with nonlinear ODEs.
    Proc. ECC 2021, Rotterdam, Netherlands, pp. 2506-2511.


  • Lomakin, A. and Deutscher, J.: Identification of dynamic parameters for rigid robots based on polynomial approximation.
    Proc. IROS 2020, Las Vegas, USA, pp. 7271-7278.
  • Lomakin, A. and Deutscher, J.: Fault detection and identification for nonlinear MIMO systems using derivative estimation.
    Proc. IFAC World Congress 2020, Berlin, Germany, pp. 676-681.
  • Fischer, F. and Deutscher, J.: Flatness-based algebraic fault identification for a wave equation with dynamic boundary conditions.
    Proc. IFAC World Congress 2020, Berlin, Germany, pp. 7737-7742.
  • Lomakin, A. and Deutscher, J.: Algebraic fault detection and identification for rigid robots.
    Proc. ICRA 2019, Paris, France, pp. 9352-9358.


  • Kern, R., Gehring, N., Deutscher, J. and Meißner, M.: Design and experimental validation of an output feedback controller for a pneumatic system with distributed parameters.
    Proc. Int. Conf. Control and Systems (ICCAS) 2018 in YongPyong Resort, Korea, pp. 1391-1396.
    Awarded with the Outstanding Paper Award.
  • Fischer, F. and Deutscher, J.: Modulating function based fault detection for parabolic systems with polynomial faults.
    Proc. SAFEPROCESS 2018 in Warsaw, Poland.
  • Fischer, F., Deutscher, J. and Laleg-Kirati T.-M.: Source estimation for first order time-varying hyperbolic systems.
    Proc. MTNS 2018 in Hong Kong, China, pp. 78-84.
  • Gabriel, J. and Deutscher, J.: State feedback regulator design for coupled linear wave equations.
    Proc. ECC 2018 in Limassol, Cyprus, pp. 3013-3018.


  • Deutscher, J. and Kerschbaum, S.: Backstepping control of coupled diffusion-reaction systems with spatially-varying reaction and Neumann boundary conditions.
    CDC 2017 in Melbourne, Australia, pp. 2504-2510.
  • Deutscher, J.: Remarks on the notion of backstepping for parabolic systems.
    In G. Roppenecker and B. Lohmann (Eds.): Methoden und Anwendungen der Regelungstechnik. Shaker Verlag, 2017, pp. 1-9.
  • Fischer, F. and Deutscher, J.: Fault detection for parabolic systems with distributed inputs and outputs using the modulation function approach.
    IFAC World Congress 2017 in Toulouse, France, pp. 6968-6973.
  • Popp, J. and Deutscher, J.: Optimizing a hybrid diesel power unit using extremum seeking control.
    IFAC World Congress 2017 in Toulouse, France, pp. 8121-8126.
  • Deutscher, J.: Backstepping design of robust state feedback regulators for parabolic PIDEs with in-domain outputs.
    IFAC World Congress 2017 in Toulouse, France, pp. 5732-5738.
  • Deutscher, J., Gehring, N. and Kern, R.: Backstepping control of linear 2x2 hyperbolic systems with dynamic boundary conditions.
    IFAC World Congress 2017 in Toulouse, France, pp. 4608-4613.
  • Popp, J. and Deutscher, J.: Optimizing the efficiency of a single-cylinder diesel generator by using optimal and extremum seeking control.
    Proc. Mechatronik 2017 in Dresden, Germany, pp. 42-47.


  • Fischer, F. and Deutscher, J.: Algebraic fault detection and isolation for parabolic distributed-parameter systems using modulation functions.
    Proc. CPDE 2016 in Bertinoro, Italy, pp. 164-169.
  • Deutscher, J. and Kerschbaum, S.: Backstepping design of robust state feedback regulators for second order hyperbolic PIDEs.
    Proc. CPDE 2016 in Bertinoro, Italy, pp. 81-86.


  • Popp, J. and Deutscher, J.: Two-degrees-of-freedom control of a one cylinder diesel generator using its periodicity (in German).
    In B. Lohmann and G. Roppenecker (Eds.): Methoden und Anwendungen der Regelungstechnik. Shaker Verlag, 2015, pp. 40-56.
  • Deutscher, J.: Backstepping design of robust flatness-based tracking controllers for boundary-controlled parabolic PDEs.
    Proc. ECC 2015 in Linz, Austria, pp. 885-890.


  • Harkort, Ch. and Deutscher, J.: An approach for the construction of the control input operator associated to boundary control systems.
    Proc. Int. Workshop on Multidimensional Systems 2013 in Erlangen, Germany, pp. 51-56.
  • Mohr, A. and Deutscher, J.: Analysis of PDE-DAE-systems using a normal form (in German).
    In G. Roppenecker and B. Lohmann (Eds.): Methoden und Anwendungen der Regelungstechnik. Shaker Verlag, 2013, pp. 77-97.
  • Mohr, A. and Deutscher, J.: Parametric state feedback design for linear infinite-dimensional systems.
    Proc. ECC 2013 in Zurich, Switzerland, pp. 2086-2091.
  • Deutscher, J.: Krylov subspace methods for block patterned linear systems.
    Proc. ECC 2013 in Zurich, Switzerland, pp. 827-832.


  • Harkort, Ch. and Deutscher, J.: Parametric approximation of connected Euler-Bernoulli beams with variable beam lengths.
    Proc. MATHMOD 2012 in Vienna, Austria, pp. 734-739.


  • Harkort, Ch. and Deutscher, J.: Sampled-data control of linear distributed-parameter systems using generalized sampled-data hold functions (in German).
    In B. Lohmann and G. Roppenecker (Eds.): Methoden und Anwendungen der Regelungstechnik. Shaker Verlag, 2011, pp. 89-99.
  • Harkort, Ch. and Deutscher, J.: Discrete-time modal state reconstruction for infinite-dimensional systems using generalized sampling.
    Proc. IFAC World Congress 2011 in Milano, Italy, pp. 13311-13316.


  • Bäuml, M. and Deutscher, J.: Stabilization of nonlinear systems with non-polynomial nonlinearities using SOS-programming.
    Proc. IASTED International Conference on Control and Applications 2009 in Cambridge, UK, pp. 82-89.
  • Harkort, Ch. and Deutscher, J.: Reduction of spillover for linear distributed-parameter systems (in German).
    In G. Roppenecker and B. Lohmann (Eds.): Methoden und Anwendungen der Regelungstechnik. Shaker Verlag, 2009, pp. 15-26.
  • Bäuml, M. and Deutscher, J.: Stabilization of nonlinear systems with state constraints using SOS-programming (in German).
    In G. Roppenecker and B. Lohmann (Eds.): Methoden und Anwendungen der Regelungstechnik. Shaker Verlag, 2009, pp. 47-60.
  • Harkort, Ch. and Deutscher, J.: Spillover reduction for linear distributed-parameter systems using dynamic extensions.
    Proc. ECC 2009 in Budapest, Hungary, pp. 294-299.
  • Bäuml, M. and Deutscher, J.: Stabilization of nonlinear systems with input saturation using SOS-programming.
    Proc. MATHMOD 2009 in Vienna, Austria.
  • Deutscher, J. and Harkort, Ch.: Parametric state feedback design for second-order Riesz-spectral systems.
    Proc. ECC 2009 in Budapest, Hungary, pp. 282-287.
  • Hippe, P. and Deutscher, J.: A polynomial approach to the prevention of windup in stable MIMO systems.
    Proc. ECC 2009 in Budapest, Hungary, pp. 784-787.
  • Deutscher, J.: A parametric approach to the design of linear time-varying tracking controllers for nonlinear systems.
    Proc. ECC 2009 in Budapest, Hungary, pp. 1450-1455.


  • Bäuml, M. and Deutscher, J.: Approximate observer error linearization for nonlinear systems with input.
    Proc. IFAC World Congress 2008 in Seoul, Korea, pp. 7600-7605.
  • Deutscher, J. and Bäuml, M.: Approximate feedback linearization using multivariable Legendre polynomials.
    Proc. IFAC World Congress 2008 in Seoul, Korea, pp. 4749-4754.


  • Müller, B. and Deutscher, J.: Orbital tracking control for parking via control of the clock.
    In B. Lohmann and G. Roppenecker (Eds.): Methoden und Anwendungen der Regelungstechnik. Shaker Verlag, 2007, pp. 77-87.
  • Deutscher, J.: Input-output linearization of nonminimum phase nonlinear systems (in German).
    In B. Lohmann and G. Roppenecker (Eds.): Methoden und Anwendungen der Regelungstechnik. Shaker Verlag, 2007, pp. 27-36.
  • Müller, B. and Deutscher, J.: Orbital tracking control for car parking via control of the clock using a nonlinear reduced order steering-angle observer.
    Proc. ECC 2007 in Kos, Greece, 1917-1924.
  • Deutscher, J.: A numerical approach to approximate input-output linearization of nonlinear systems.
    Proc. ECC 2007 in Kos, Greece, pp. 3635-3640.


  • Antritter, F. and Deutscher, J.: Nonlinear tracking control of a dc motor via a boost-converter using linear dynamic output feedback.
    Proc. CDC 2006 in San Diego, USA, pp. 6587-6592.
  • Deutscher, J. and Schmid, Ch.: A numerical approach to approximate feedback linearization.
    Proc. CCA/CACSD/ISIC 2006 in Munich, Germany, pp. 2985-2990.
  • Müller, B. and Deutscher, J.: Trajectory Generation and Feedforward Control for Parking a Car.
    Proc. CCA/CACSD/ISIC 2006 in Munich, Germany, pp. 163-168.
  • Deutscher, J.: Numerical design of nonlinear observers with approximately linear error dynamics.
    Proc. CCA/CACSD/ISIC 2006 in Munich, Germany, pp. 1934-1939.
  • Deutscher, J. and Bäuml, M.: A state space embedding approach to time discretization via an approximate normal form.
    Poster presentation at MATHMOD 2006 in Vienna, Austria.
    Awarded with the best poster award.
  • Deutscher, J.: An approximate normal form approach to sampled representations of nonlinear systems.
    Proc. MATHMOD 2006 in Vienna, Austria, pp. 17-1 - 17-10.
  • Müller, B. and Deutscher, J.: Two step trajectory planning for parking a car (in German).
    Proc. AUTOREG 2006 in Wiesloch, Germany, pp. 379-388.


  • Antritter, F. and Deutscher, J.: Asymptotic tracking of nonlinear systems using fictitious inputs.
    Proc. ECC-CDC 2005 in Seville, Spain, pp. 4022-4027.
  • Müller, B. and Deutscher, J.: Approximate input-output linearization using L2-optimal bilinearization.
    Proc. ECC-CDC 2005 in Seville, Spain, pp. 4903-4908.
  • Deutscher, J., Antritter, F. and Schmidt, K.: Feedforward control of nonlinear systems using fictitious inputs.
    Proc. ECC-CDC 2005 in Seville, Spain, pp. 7264-7269.


  • Antritter, F., Müller, B. and Deutscher, J.: Tracking control for nonlinear flat systems by linear dynamic output feedback.
    Proc. NOLCOS 2004 in Stuttgart, Germany, pp. 143-148.


  • Deutscher, J. and Lohmann, B.: Flatness based disturbance decoupling for nonlinear systems with application to tracking control.
    Proc. Int. Wissenschaftl. Kolloquium 2003 in Ilmenau, Germany.
  • Deutscher, J. and Lohmann, B.: Flatness based asymptotic disturbance rejection for linear and nonlinear systems.
    Proc. European Control Conference ECC 2003 in Cambridge, UK.
  • Deutscher, J.: Asymptotically exact input-output linearization using Carleman linearization.
    Proc. European Control Conference ECC 2003 in Cambridge, UK.
  • Deutscher, J.: L2-optimal bilinearization of nonlinear systems.
    Proc. MATHMOD 2003 (IMACS Symposium on Mathematical Modelling) in Vienna, Austria.


  • Deutscher, J.: Approximate input-output linearization of nonminimum phase nonlinear systems with linear unforced dynamics.
    Proc. IFAC World Congress 2002 in Barcelona, Spanien.
  • Deutscher, J.: On parametric state feedback design in the frequency domain.
    Proc. IFAC World Congress 2002 in Barcelona, Spain.
  • Hippe, P. and Deutscher, J.: Design of reduced order H_inf filters for discrete time systems.
    Proc. IFAC World Congress 2002 in Barcelona, Spain.


  • Hippe, P. und Deutscher, J.: A windup prevention scheme for exponentially unstable SISO plants.
    Proc. European Control Conference ECC '01, Porto, Portugal, pp. 3213-3218.
  • Deutscher, J. and Hippe, P.: Parametric design of output feedback controllers in the frequency domain.
    Proc. European Control Conference ECC '01, Porto, Portugal, pp. 3110-3114.
  • Hippe, P. and Deutscher, J.: Time domain design of the reduced order H_inf filter.
    Proc. IFAC Symposium on System Structure and Control 2001, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Deutscher, J. and Hippe, P.: Design of reduced order H_inf filters in the frequency domain.
    Proc. Int. Workshop on Polynomial Design Methods in Signals, Systems and Control 2001, Prague, Czech Republic.


  • Deutscher, J. and Hippe, P.: A frequency domain approach to complete modal synthesis.
    Proc. IFAC Conference on Control System Design CSD 2000, Bratislava, Slowakia.


  • Deutscher, J. and Hippe, P.: A frequency domain approach to the partial decoupling of non-minimum phase systems and non-decouplable systems.
    Proc. European Control Conference ECC '99, Karlsruhe, Germany.


  • Hippe, P. and Deutscher, J.: Problems in the computational solution of the stationary discrete-time LQG problem.
    Proc. IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control 1998, Nantes, France.


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Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Joachim Deutscher
Raum: 41.4.203
Telefon: +49 (0)731 50 27002
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