www: [rp] = Bachelorarbeit, [mt] = Masterarbeit
- Julian Spiess
Power Efficient Delta-Sigma Modulator with Bitwise ELD Compensation[mt]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maurits Ortmanns - Peter Ammann
Development of a high-precision Electrode Impedance Estimation Algorithm for implantable Brain-Machine-Interfaces[rp]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maurits Ortmanns - David-Peter Wiens
Feedback-Assisted linearization of a Gm-C based CTDS-Modulator for Neuromodulation[mt]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maurits Ortmanns - Santiago Noriega-Alvarez
Negative-Resistance Assisted Amplifier[mt]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maurits Ortmanns - Jan Schneider
Design, Evaluation and Classification of PCB Fingerprints[rp]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maurits Ortmanns - Gunnar Kunze
Development of a chopped neural recording system in 180nm HV CMOS[mt]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maurits Ortmanns - Felix Vogel
Entwurf und Implementierung einer permutierten PUF Architektur auf FPGAs[rp]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maurits Ortmanns - Qiuyang Zhang
Development and Test of a Reliable Capacitance-to-Digital Converter for PUF Readouts[mt]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maurits Ortmanns - Finn Ruchti
Modelling and Measuring Power Consumption of BLE-Communication for Low Power Implants[rp]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Albrecht Rothermel - Rawan Hagag
Investigation and Design of Comparator Architectures for a SAR ADC in 28nm CMOS[rp]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maurits Ortmanns - Simone Steinhauser
Investigation of the Data-Flow in a Neural-Netwok Inference System[rp]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maurits Ortmanns - Luis Kraus
Implementation of a Closed-Loop Microcontroller-based ADC PUF[rp]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maurits Ortmanns - Julius Nowakowski
Investigation of a side-channel attack resistant multi-valued PUF Implementation for FPGAs[rp]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maurits Ortmanns - Jonas Lückfeldt
Entwurf und Implementierung einer Soft-Decision Decodierung für mehrwertige Physikalisch Unklonbare Funktionen auf einem FPGA [mt]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maurits Ortmanns - Johannes Stark
Development of a discrete high performance neural recorder for in-vitro measurements[rp]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maurits Ortmanns - NA NA
Development of an adjustable Class-E amplifier based inductive link[rp]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maurits Ortmanns - Mattes Oertelt
Design and implementation of a current reference in an 180nm HV-CMOS technology[rp]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maurits Ortmanns - Maximilian Fischer
Entwurf eines Messaufbaus zur Charakterisierung von Knopfzellenbatterien[rp]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Albrecht Rothermel - Christian Rudorf
High Resolution Linear-Exponential Incremental Sigma-Delta ADC[mt]
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maurits Ortmanns