M.Sc. Markus Sporer

Markus Sporer erhielt 2015 bzw. 2018 den B.Sc. und M.Sc. Abschluss in Elektrotechnik an der Universität Ulm. Für seine Bachelorarbeit und als studentischer wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter beschäftigte er sich mit Signalaufbereitungselektronik für ESR-Anwendungen. In seiner Masterarbeit entwarf und implementierte er einen DC-gekoppelten Neuralrekorder mit direkter Analog-Digital-Umwandlung.

Von September 2016 bis Mai 2017 arbeitete er als IC-Designpraktikant in der Gruppe Integrierte Schaltkreise am Robert Bosch Research and Technology Center (Palo Alto, CA, USA). Im Januar 2019 trat er dem Institut für Mikroelektronik bei und arbeitete an seinem Ph.D. Abschluss unter der Aufsicht von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maurits Ortmanns.

Studentische Arbeiten

[mt] = Masterarbeit, [rp] = Bachelorarbeit

Abgeschlossene Arbeiten

  • Nicolas Graber
    Design of a Gm-C Based Incremental Delta Sigma Modulator with Feedback-Assisted Gm Linearization for a Direct-Digitizing Neural Recorder Frontend[mt]
  • Sani Tresnjic
    Comparative study of CIC decimators for incremental Delta-Sigma ADCs in 180nm CMOS technology[rp]
  • Tim Tobias Pallas
    Implementation of a Data Compression Algorithm for Wireless Transmission of Neuronal Spike Signals[rp]
  • Mattes Oertelt
    Design and implementation of a current reference in an 180nm HV-CMOS technology[rp]
  • NA NA
    Development of an adjustable Class-E amplifier based inductive link[rp]
  • Johannes Stark
    Development of a discrete high performance neural recorder for in-vitro measurements[rp]
  • David-Peter Wiens
    Feedback-Assisted linearization of a Gm-C based CTDS-Modulator for Neuromodulation[mt]
  • Manuel Kieselbach
    Software developments for a miniaturized wireless neural recording system[rp]
  • Denise Rathje
    Design of a highly miniaturized battery powered PCB for neural recording and wireless data transmission[rp]
  • Nicolas Graber
    Design and Implementation of a Low Power Decimation Filter in 180nm CMOS for a Neural Implant[rp]
  • Michael Zurell
    Design of a highly efficient Class E amplifier for inductive powering of a neural implant[mt]
  • Sarah Forster
    Development of a Wireless Data Link for a Digital Electrophysiology Interface Chip[rp]



M. Sporer, I. -. Vasilaș, A. Adžemović, N. Graber, S. Reich, C. Gueli, M. Eickenscheidt, I. Diester, T. Stieglitz and M. Ortmanns, "NeuroBus - Architecture for an Ultra-Flexible Neural Interface", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems ( Early Access ), Pages: 1 - 16, Jan. 2024.


D. -. Wiens, M. Sporer, B. Driemeyer and M. Ortmanns, "A Mixed-Signal Integrator-Differentiator-TIA", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems--II: Express Briefs, Sep. 2023.
S. Reich, M. Sporer and M. Ortmanns, "A Flexible Power Management System-On-Chip for Implantable Brain-Machine-Interfaces", 21st IEEE Interregional NEWCAS Conference (NEWCAS), Edinburgh, Scotland, Jun. 2023.
S. Reich, M. Sporer and M. Ortmanns, "A Time-Domain Charge-Balancing Method for Neuromodulators", 21st IEEE Interregional NEWCAS Conference (NEWCAS), Edinburgh, Scotland, Jun. 2023.
M. Sporer, N. Graber, S. Reich, C. Gueli, J. Becker, T. Stieglitz and M. Ortmanns, "NeuroBus – Architecture and Communication Bus for an Ultra-Flexible Neural Interface", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Monterey, CA, USA, Mai 2023.
S. Reich, D. Fritschi, M. Sporer and M. Ortmanns, "In Vitro Study of Artifact-Recovery Using a 32-Channel Neuromodulator Platform", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers (Early Access), Mä. 2023.


M. A. Mokhtar, A. Abdelaal, M. Sporer, J. Becker, J. G. Kauffman and M. Ortmanns, "A 0.9-V DAC-Calibration-Free Continuous-Time Incremental Delta-Sigma Modulator Achieving 97-dB SFDR at 2 MS/s in 28-nm CMOS", IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Volume: 57, Issue: 11, Nov. 2022.
M. Sporer, S. Reich, H. Mandry, J. Becker and M. Ortmanns, "A Wireless Headstage Prototype Based on a Neurorecorder IC", IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), Taipei, Taiwan, Okt. 2022.
S. Reich, P. Ammann, M. Sporer and M. Ortmanns, "An Onchip Electrode Impedance Estimation achieving 1.2 dB 3σ-Accuracy with Minimum Hardware Overhead", IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), Taipeh, Taiwan, Okt. 2022.
S. Reich, M. Sporer, J. Becker, S. B. Rieger, M. Schüttler and M. Ortmanns, "A 32-ch Neuromodulator with redundant Voltage Monitors avoiding Blocking Capacitors", IEEE ESSDERC/ESSCIRC 2022, Milan, Italy, Sep. 2022.
M. Sporer, S. Reich, J. G. Kauffman and M. Ortmanns, "A Direct Digitizing Chopped Neural Recorder Using a Body-Induced Offset Based DC Servo Loop", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, Jun. 2022.
S. Reich, G. Kunze, M. Sporer and M. Ortmanns, "Analysis of Chopper Ripple Reduction by Delayed Sampling", SMACD / PRIME 2022; International Conference on SMACD and 17th International Conference on PRIME, pp. 1-4, Jun. 2022.
S. Reich, D. Fritschi, M. Sporer and M. Ortmanns, "Artifact-Recovery in Neuromodulators using Tunable High-Pass Corners", 20th IEEE International NEWCAS Conference, Québec, Canada, Jun. 2022.
S. Reich, D. Fritschi, M. Sporer and M. Ortmanns, "An Experimental Reliability Study of Pseudo-Resistors in Biomedical Applications", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Austin, TX, USA, Mai 2022.


S. Reich, M. Sporer, M. Haas, J. Becker, M. Schüttler and M. Ortmanns, "A High-Voltage Compliance, 32-Channel Digitally Interfaced Neuromodulation System on Chip", IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 56, issue 8, pp. 2476-2487, Aug. 2021.
M. Sporer, N. Graber, S. Moll, S. Reich and M. Ortmanns, "Implementation of a Low Power Decimation Filter in a 180 nm HV-CMOS Technology for a Neural Recording Front-End", SMACD / PRIME 2021; International Conference on SMACD and 16th Conference on PRIME, pp. 1-4., Jul. 2021.
S. Reich, M. Sporer and M. Ortmanns, "A Chopped Neural Front-end featuring Input Impedance Boosting with suppressed offset-induced charge transfer", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, Mai 2021.
M. A. Mokhtar, A. Abdelaal, M. Sporer, J. Becker, J. G. Kauffman and M. Ortmanns, "A 0.9-V Calibration-Free 97dB-SFDR 2-MS/s Continuous­Time Incremental Delta-Sigma ADC Utilizing Variable Bit-Width Quantizer in 28nm CMOS", IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC), Texas, USA (Virtual), Apr. 2021.


S. Reich, M. Sporer and M. Ortmanns, "A self-compensated, low-offset Voltage Buffer for Input Impedance Boosting in Chopped Neural Front-ends", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Seville, Spain, Okt. 2020.
A. Herkle, H. Mandry, J. Becker, S. Reich, M. Sporer and M. Ortmanns, "Extracting Weak PUFs from Differential Nonlinearity of Digital-to-Analog Converters", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Seville, Spain, Okt. 2020.


A. Neckernuss, D. Geiger, J. Pfeil, M. Sporer, S. Reich and O. Marti, "CellMOUSE: A novel high throughput real-time measurement method for suspended cells and particles", DPG Tagung Berlin 2018, Conference Abstract, Mä. 2018.
D. Geiger, A. Neckernuss, J. Pfeil, M. Sporer, S. Reich and O. Marti, "High throughput optical measurement device for suspended cells and particles", DPG Tagung Berlin 2018, Conference Abstract, Mä. 2018.

Wissenschaftl. Mitarbeiter

Markus Sporer