M.Sc. Sebastian Kaltenstadler

I studied Communications and Computer Engineering at the University of Ulm, where I received my B.Sc. degree in 2017 and my M.Sc. degree in 2020. My Master Thesis "Analysis of Neural Networks for the Prediction of Stability and Performance of Sigma-Delta ADCs" was supervised by Professor Ortmanns from the Institute of Microelectronics at the University of Ulm.

I havee been working as a research assistant for Professor Rothermel since December 2020. My current research interest is circuit design for implants to measure ciliary muscle potentials.


Circuit Design for Ciliary Muscle Potential Recorder

S. Kaltenstadler: The goal of this project is to develop an integrated chip to record, filter and digitize ciliary muscle potentials. The focus is on low-power, low-area designs to enable a potential future use in medical implants ... [more]

Studentische Arbeiten

[mt] = Masterarbeit, [rp] = Bachelorarbeit

Aktuelle Arbeiten

  • Dayanand Yamganti
    Architecture Analysis for Low Power Bio-Signal Acquisition [mt]

Abgeschlossene Arbeiten

  • Maximilian Fischer
    Entwurf eines Messaufbaus zur Charakterisierung von Knopfzellenbatterien [rp]
  • Finn Ruchti
    Modelling and Measuring Power Consumption of BLE-Communication for Low Power Implants [rp]
  • Felix Birk
    Entwurf und Evaluation eines Messaufbaus für Ziliarmuskelpotenziale [rp]

Wissenschaftl. Mitarbeiter

Sebastian Kaltenstadler