Seminar: Research Trends in Media Informatics (WS18/19)

Media Informatics is a broad field spanning many research directions and topics. In this seminar we focus on research trends in human-computer interaction (HCI) in Virtual and Augmented Reality, Eye-based Interaction, Speech/Auditive User Interfaces, Automotive User Interfaces and (Serious) Games Research. This seminar aims to provide an overview of different research directions and current challenges that are focus of active research around the world and at our institute.
To successfully complete the seminar the following requirements have to be fulfilled:
- Written paper on a selected topic
6-8 pages, German or English (English preferred) - Active participation
Active participation in peer reviews and discussions - Presentation
20 minutes, German or English
Topics will be presented in the first event.
Students are also encouraged to propose topics of their own. The proceedings of the previous RTMI seminars (RTMI'17, RTMI '16, RTMI '15, RTMI '14, RTMI'13, RTMI'12, RTMI'11, RTMI '10) may give you some ideas.
18.10. 1pm | First meeting and topic presentation |
18. - 23.10 | Vote for topics |
24.10. 4pm | Topic assignment, overview and research introduction |
25. - 04.11 | Meeting with adviser |
11.11. | Submission paper proposal |
12. - 18.11 | Proposal discussion with adviser |
15.11. 4pm | LaTeX introduction |
08.01. | Submission full paper |
09.01. | Assignment of reviews |
22.01. | Submission peer reviews |
23. - 27.01. | Discussion of required changes with adviser |
30.01. 4pm | Zen presentations - or how to avoid death by PowerPoint |
05.02. | Submission camera ready version of paper |
06. - 10.02. | Discussion of presentation with adviser |
14.02. | RTMI conference |
submission deadline | plenary session in O27-331 | individual meetings / other
First lecture
18.10 1pm (13:00 Uhr) O27-331