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(Stand November 2024)

Dr. Mark Colley

Mark Colley
Dr. Mark Colley
Ehemaliger wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Promotend

Dr. Mark Colley

Mark Colley ist der HCI Gruppe im April 2019 als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Doktorand beigetreten. Davor war er seit 2015 als Software Engineer bei Airbus tätig. Sein Forschungsschwerpunkt liegt im Schnittpunkt von zukünftiger Mobilität, Barrierefreiheit, und Computational Methoden.

Mark hat seine Doktorarbeit mit dem Titel "Calibrating Trust in Automated Vehicles - Theoretical, Design, and Empirical Insights into Effects of Visualizations on Trust" am 26. April 2024 verteidigt.

Mark hat einen M. Sc. in Informatik (2018) von der Universität Ulm. Der Titel der Masterarbeit lautete: Identification, Investigation and Classification of Use Cases for Cooperation in Highly Autonomous Driving and the Applicability thereof. Diese fand im Rahmen des Projektes KoFFI - Kooperative Fahrer-Fahrzeug-Interaktion statt.

Seinen B. Eng. in Informationstechnik erlangte Mark 2015 an der Dualen Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Ravensburg/Friedrichshafen in Zusammenarbeit mit Airbus.


  • Autonomous Driving
  • Driver-Vehicle Interaction
  • Augmented Reality
  • Virtual Reality
  • Mobile Devices
  • Head Mounted Displays


Im Rahmen des Forschungsförderungsprogramms „Smart Mobility“ des Landes Baden-Württemberg startet ab November 2018 das Projekt „Intuitiver“ zur Interaktion zwischen automatisierten Fahrzeugen und leicht verletzbaren Verkehrsteilnehmern. Das Projekt beschäftigt sich mit den Fragen wie autonome Fahrzeuge und Fußgänger die Absicht des jeweils anderen Interaktionspartners, beispielsweise beim Queren der Straße, erkennen können und wie autonome Fahrzeuge Insassen über ihre Absichten informieren. Prof. Dr. Martin Baumann (Psychologie), Prof. Dr. Klaus Dietmayer (Mess-, Regel- und Mikrotechnik), Prof. Dr. Christian Waldschmidt (Mikrowellentechnik) und Prof. Dr. Enrico Rukzio (Medieninformatik) der Universität Ulm sind Teil des Konsortiums.

<p>Mark untersucht im Rahmen des Verbundprojekts <a class="external-link-new-window" href="https://www.uni-ulm.de/in/omi/institut/blog/details/article/neues-projekt-intuitiver-zur-interaktion-zwischen-automatisierten-fahrzeugen-und-leicht-verletzbaren-verkehrsteilnehmern/" title="Opens internal link in current window">Intuitiver</a> Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten zwischen hochautomatisierten Fahrzeugen und leicht verletzbaren Verkehrsteilnehmern (Passanten, Fahrradfahrern etc.).</p>

Kooperationspartner: Ulm University, AVL Software & Functions GmbH, Human-Factors-Consult GmbH, Humatects GmbH, OFFIS e.V..

SituWare adressiert ein zentrales Hindernis für die Einführung von hochautomatisierten Fahrzeugen (siehe auch BASt) in den komplexen Verkehr: Die erforderliche Zeitreserve für eine sichere Übergabe der Kontrolle an den abgelenkten Fahrer. Auch mittelfristig verfügbare Umfeldsensoren können nicht immer große Zeitreserven garantieren. SituWare reduziert die Übernahmezeit durch eine gezielte, situationsbezogene Wahrnehmung des Fahrers
Angepasste Fahrerführung und ermöglicht ein flüssiges Fahrzeugverhalten mit hoher Benutzerakzeptanz durch Anpassung der Automatisierung an das Situationsbewusstsein des Fahrers.


Mark untersucht dabei wie Übergabeprozesse durch multimodale Aufmerksamkeits- und Informationslenkung sicherer und schneller gestaltet werden können.

Ziel des Projektes SEMULIN (Selbstunterstützende Multimodale Interaktion) ist die Entwicklung einer selbstunterstützenden, natürlichen und widerspruchsfreien Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle für automatisiert fahrende Fahrzeuge mittels multimodaler Ein- und Ausgabekonzepte.

Hierbei werden in Zusammenarbeit mit Elektrobit Automotive GmbH (project lead), audEERING GmbH, Eesy Innovation GmbH, Fraunhofer-Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen, Infineon Technologies AG, Universität Ulm, und dem assoziierten Partner Mercedes-Benz AG neuartige Interaktionskonzepte unter Berücksichtigung multimodaler Ein- und Ausgabekonzepte entwickelt.


Mark untersucht dabei wie bisherige Interaktion in Fahrzeugen stattfindet und wie diese durch die multimodale Interaktion verbessert werden können.



People with vision impairments (VIP) are among the most vulnerable road users in traffic. Autonomous vehicles are believed to reduce accidents but still demand some form of external communication signaling relevant information to pedestrians. Recent research on the design of vehicle-pedestrian communication (VPC) focuses strongly on concepts for a non-disabled population. Our work presents an inclusive user-centered design for VPC, beneficial for both vision impaired and seeing pedestrians. We conducted a workshop with VIP (N=6), discussing current issues in road traffic and comparing communication concepts proposed by literature...



Bei mir können gern Abschlussarbeiten mit Fokus auf der Interaktion mit (teil-)autonomen Fahrzeugen und deren Auswirkungen durchgeführt werden. Dabei geht es um die Interaktion im Auto, jedoch auch um die Interaktion von Außenstehenden (Passanten, Fahrradfahrer, ...) mit autonomen Fahrzeugen. Für Themenvorschläge von Euch bin ich jederzeit offen.

Bitte kontaktiert mich per E-Mail, wenn Ihr Interesse habt. Unten stehende sind einige potenzielle Arbeitsgebiete aufgelistet.

Ich freue mich schon auf unsere Zusammenarbeit.


AI-Based Interaction in Autonomous Vehicles
Introducing Holographic Displays in the Automotive Context
Multimodal Interaction in Automated Driving
Uncertainty Visualization in Automated Driving
Aiding Impaired Persons Through Autonomous Vehicles External Communication
Information Needs in Highly Automated Driving
External Communication in Highly Automated Driving

Implicit Communication of (Highly Automated) Vehicles

Incorporating Human Operators in Vehicle-Human Communication

Macroscopic Effects of eHMIs on Traffic


Weitere Abschlussarbeiten findet ihr unter diesem Link


Master Theses

  • Investigations on the Use of Augmented Reality for Information Visualization in Connected Automated Driving
  • Exploring the Social Context of Collaborative Driving
  • Optimizing Localization of Sound for the Hearing Impaired in Traffic with AVs
  • SwiVR-Car-Seat: Utilizing a Motorized Swivel Seat to Explore Effects of Vehicle Motion on Interaction Quality in Virtual Reality Automated Driving
  • User-Centric Exploration of In-Car Augmented Reality UI Concepts for See-Through Head-Mounted Displays

Bachelor Theses

  • Informationsbedürfnisse in autonomen Fahrzeugen und Auswirkung der Visualisierung der Fußgängerintention auf Vertrauen und kognitive Belastung
  • External Communication of Heavy Machinery (or Autonomous Trucks) on Construction Sites
  • Effect of Displaying Semantic Segmentation on Trust, Situation Awareness and Cognitive Load
  • Increasing Pedestrian Safety Using External Communication of Autonomous Vehicles for Signalling Hazards
  • Auswirkung der Visualisierung der Wahrnehmung Autonomer Fahrzeuge in Kritischen Verkehrssituationen auf Vertrauen und Kognitive Belastung
  • Investigating the Effects of Prosocial External Communication of Autonomous Vehicles
  • Auswirkungen von Abstraktionsebenen in der Informationsvisualisierung auf Situationsbewusstsein, Kognitive Belastung und Benutzerfreundlichkeit bei Kontrollübernahme-Aufforderungen in Hochautomatisierten Fahrzeugen
  • Effects of Scene Detection, Scene Prediction, and Maneuver Planning Visualizations on Trust, Situation Awareness, and Cognitive Load in Highly Automated Vehicles
  • Realistic Scenarios for the Communication between Autonomous Vehicle and Pedestrians
  • Investigating the Effects of External Communication and Automation Behavior on Manual Drivers
  • Mode Confusion of External Communication
  • Informationsbedürfnisse Von Menschen Mit Sehbehinderungen in Autonomen Fahrzeugen

Wissenschaftliche Aktivitäten

I reviewed more than 240 papers and Late-Breaking Works, for example, for:

Conference Reviewer: MobileHCI '19'21'22'23, AutoUI '19'20'21'22'23, CHI PLAY '19'20'21'22'23, CHI'20'21'22, TEI'21'23, HRI'21'22, IUI'21'23, DIS'21'22'23, ICMI'21'22, C&C'21'22, ISCW'21'22, ISMAR'21'22'23, IASDR'21, ISS'21, VRST '21'22, EICS'22'23, SUI'21'22, HAI'21'22, IEEE VR'22'23'24, OzCHI'22'23, ETRA'22'23, IDC'22, ICWSM'22, IMX'22'23, NordiCHI'22, CogSci'23, WHC'23, UIST'23, HRI'24,

Journal Reviewer: Frontiers in Human Dynamics, CSCW '21'22'23, Case Studies on Transport Policy, IJHCI, IMWUT'22'23, Behaviour & Information Technology '23, ToCHI'23

Book Reviewer: User Experience Design in the Era of Automated Driving


For this, I received some awards:

1 "Special Recognition for Outstanding Reviews" CHI 2021

1 "Special Recognition for Outstanding Reviews" CHI 2022

1 "Special Recognition for Outstanding Reviews" AutoUI 2021

1 "Special Recognition for Outstanding Reviews" IMWUT 2023

1 "Special Recognition for Outstanding Reviews" UIST 2023

1 "Special Recognition for Outstanding Reviews" MobileHCI 2023

Distinguished Reviewer Award for MobileHCI'23

3 "Special Recognition for Outstanding Reviews" CHI 2024


I also helped to organize some conferences:

Organizer LBW: CHI'21'22'23'24  Late Breaking Work AC, ETRA'24

Organizer Full Paper: AutoUI'21'22'23, MobileHCI'23, MuC'22'23, CHI'24 Full Paper AC

Best Paper Committe for CHI'24


Conference Organizer: Workshop and Tutorial Co-Chair AutoUI'23, Demo Co-Chair AutoUI'24



Some of my papers also received awards:

1 Best Full Paper Honorable Mention at CHI'20

1 Best Full Paper Honorable Mention at MobileHCI'22

1 Best Full Paper Honorable Mention at MobileHCI'23

1 Best Video at AutoUI'23


Industrielle Kooperationen

  • Mercedes Benz
  • Elekrobit
  • Cerence
  • Infineon
  • AVL



J. O. Rixen, M. Colley, A. Askari, J. Gugenheimer and E. Rukzio, "Consent in the Age of AR: Investigating The Comfort With Displaying Personal Information in Augmented Reality", In Proc. of CHI 2022 (SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems), 05 2022. ACM.
M. Colley, E. Bajrovic and E. Rukzio, "Effects of Pedestrian Behavior, Time Pressure, and Repeated Exposure on Crossing Decisions in Front of Automated Vehicles Equipped with External Communication", In Proc. of CHI 2022 (SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems), 05 2022. ACM.
Weblink:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7xv6sGweVY _blank
M. Colley, M. Rädler, J. Glimmann and E. Rukzio, "Effects of Scene Detection, Scene Prediction, and Maneuver Planning Visualizations on Trust, Situation Awareness, and Cognitive Load in Highly Automated Vehicles", Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), 04 2022. ACM.
M. Colley, S. Mytilineos, M. Walch, E. Rukzio and J. Gugenheimer, "Requirements for the Interaction With Highly Automated Construction Site Delivery Trucks", Frontiers in Human Dynamics, section Digital Impacts, 02 2022. Frontiers.
Weblink:https://www.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fhumd.2022.794890 _blank
M. Colley, C. Hummler and E. Rukzio, "Effects of Mode Distinction, User Visibility, and Vehicle Appearance on Mode Confusion When Interacting With Highly Automated Vehicles", Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 2022.
M. Colley, S. Pickl, F. Uhlig and E. Rukzio, "Exploring the Social Context of Collaborative Driving", 2022.
M. Colley, B. Wankmüller, T. Mend, T. Väth, E. Rukzio and J. Gugenheimer, "User Gesticulation Inside an Autonomous Vehicle with External Communication can Cause Confusion in Pedestrians and a Lower Willingness to Cross", Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, pp. 120-137, 2022. Elsevier, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1369847822000523?dgcid=author.


M. Colley, P. Jansen, E. Rukzio and J. Gugenheimer, "SwiVR-Car-Seat: Exploring Vehicle Motion Effects on Interaction Quality in Virtual Reality Automated Driving Using a Motorized Swivel Seat", Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), vol. 5, pp. 1-26, Dez. 2021. ACM.
M. Haimerl and M. Colley, "„Du auch hier?“ – Wenn Menschen mit Einschränkungen auf autonome Fahrzeuge treffen", [23.11.2021].
M. Colley, M. Lanzer, J. H. Belz, M. Walch and E. Rukzio, "Evaluating the Impact of Decals on Driver Stereotype Perception and Exploration of Personalization of Automated Vehicles via Digital Decals", Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutomotiveUI ’21), Sep. 2021. ACM.
M. Colley, S. Krauß, M. Lanzer and E. Rukzio, "How Should Automated Vehicles Communicate Critical Situations? A Comparative Analysis of Visualization Concepts", Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol.,, Sep. 2021. ACM.
M. Colley, J. H. Belz and E. Rukzio, "Investigating the Effects of Feedback Communication of Autonomous Vehicles", Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutomotiveUI ’21), Sep. 2021. ACM.
M. Colley, A. Askari, M. Walch, M. Woide and E. Rukzio, "ORIAS: On-The-Fly Object Identification and Action Selection for Highly Automated Vehicles", Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutomotiveUI ’21), Sep. 2021. ACM.
H. Sahin, H. Müller, S. Sadeghian, D. Dey, A. Löcken, A. Matviienko, M. Colley, A. Habibovic and P. Wintersberger, "Workshop on Prosocial Behavior in Future Mixed Traffic", 13th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutomotiveUI '21 Adjunct), 09 2021. ACM, https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3473682.3477438.
K. Holländer, M. Colley, E. Rukzio and A. Butz, "A Taxonomy of Vulnerable Road Users for HCI Based On A Systematic Literature Review", In Proc. of CHI 2021 (SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems) Holländer and Colley are Joint First Authors, Mai 2021. ACM, https://youtu.be/3aWUYZUr6xI.
M. Colley, B. Eder, J. O. Rixen and E. Rukzio, "Effects of Semantic Segmentation Visualization on Trust, Situation Awareness, and Cognitive Load in Highly Automated Vehicles", In Proc. of CHI 2021 (SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems), Mai 2021. ACM, https://youtu.be/xaTmurTw9TY.
J. O. Rixen, T. Hirzle, M. Colley, Y. Etzel, E. Rukzio and J. Gugenheimer, "Exploring Augmented Visual Alterations in Interpersonal Communication", In Proc. of CHI 2021 (SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems), Mai 2021. ACM.
M. Colley, S. Li and E. Rukzio, "Increasing Pedestrian Safety Using External Communication of Autonomous Vehicles for Signalling Hazards", Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Mobile Human-Computer Interaction (MobileHCI '21), 2021. ACM.
M. Lanzer, T. Stoll, M. Colley and M. Baumann, "Intelligent Mobility in the City: The Influence of System and Context Factors on Drivers' Takeover Willingness and Trust in Automated Vehicles", Frontiers in Human Dynamics, section Digital Impacts, 2021. Frontiers.
M. Colley, L. Gruler, M. Woide and E. Rukzio, "Investigating the Design of Information Presentation in Take-Over Requests in Automated Vehicles", Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Mobile Human-Computer Interaction (MobileHCI '21), 2021. ACM.
M. Colley, D. Wolf, S. Böhm, T. Lahmann, L. Porta and E. Rukzio, "Resync: Towards Transferring Somnolent Passengers to Consciousness", 23rd International Conference on Mobile Human-Computer Interaction Adjunct Proceedings, 2021.


A. Löcken, M. Colley, A. Matviienko, K. Holländer, D. Dey, A. Habibovic, A. Kun, S. Boll and A. Riener, "WeCARe: Workshop on Inclusive Communication between Automated Vehicles and Vulnerable Road Users", In 22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI '20), Okt. 2020. ACM, https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3406324.3424587.
M. Colley and E. Rukzio, "A Design Space for External Communication of Autonomous Vehicles", Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutomotiveUI ’20), Sep. 2020. ACM.
M. Colley, C. Bräuner, M. Lanzer, M. Walch, M. Baumann and E. Rukzio, "Effect of Visualization of Pedestrian Intention Recognition on Trust and Cognitive Load", Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutomotiveUI ’20), Sep. 2020. ACM.
M. Colley, S. Mytilineos, M. Walch, J. Gugenheimer and E. Rukzio, "Evaluating Highly Automated Trucks as Signaling Lights", Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutomotiveUI ’20), Sep. 2020. ACM.
M. Colley and E. Rukzio, "Towards a Design Space for External Communication of Autonomous Vehicles", In Extended Abstracts of CHI 2020 (SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems), Apr. 2020. ACM.
M. Colley, M. Walch, J. Gugenheimer, A. Askari and E. Rukzio, "Towards Inclusive External Communication of Autonomous Vehicles for Pedestrians with Vision Impairments", In Proc. of CHI 2020 (SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems), Apr. 2020. ACM.
M. Colley, M. Walch and E. Rukzio, "Unveiling the Lack of Scalability in Research on External Communication of Autonomous Vehicles", In Extended Abstracts of CHI 2020 (SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems), Apr. 2020. ACM.
M. Colley, M. Walch and E. Rukzio, "Towards Reducing Energy Waste through Usage of External Communication of Autonomous Vehicles" in CHI 2020 Workshop - Should I Stay or Should I Go? Automated Vehicles in the Age of Climate Change, 2020.
M. Walch, M. Colley, P. Hock, E. Rukzio and M. Weber, "Turn Drivers Into Users and Keep Them Out-Of-The-Loop to Save Energy" in CHI 2020 Workshop - Should I Stay or Should I Go? Automated Vehicles in the Age of Climate Change, 2020.


M. Walch, D. Lehr, M. Colley and M. Weber, "Don't You See Them? Towards Gaze-Based Interaction Adaptation for Driver-Vehicle Cooperation", Adjunct Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutomotiveUI ’19), Sep. 2019. ACM.
M. Walch, M. Colley and M. Weber, "Driving-Task-Related Human-Machine Interaction in Automated Driving: Towards a Bigger Picture", Adjunct Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutomotiveUI ’19), Sep. 2019. ACM.
M. Colley, M. Walch and E. Rukzio, "For a Better (Simulated) World: Considerations for VR in External Communication Research", In Adj. Proc. of AutomotiveUI ’19 (11th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications), 09 2019. ACM.
M. Colley, M. Walch, J. Gugenheimer and E. Rukzio, "Including People with Impairments from the Start: External Communication of Autonomous Vehicles", In Adj. Proc. of AutomotiveUI ’19 (11th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications), 09 2019. ACM.
M. Walch, M. Colley and M. Weber, "CooperationCaptcha: On-The-Fly Object Labeling for Highly Automated Vehicles" in CHI '19 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, New York, NY, USA: ACM, Mai 2019.


K. Rogers, M. Colley, D. Lehr, J. Frommel, M. Walch, L. E. Nacke and M. Weber, "KickAR: Exploring Game Balancing Through Boosts and Handicaps in Augmented Reality Table Football" in Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2018.