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(Stand Januar 2013)
Diese Seite wird nicht mehr aktualisiert.
(Stand Januar 2013)
Please visit my home-page at holger.dammertz.org for an updated list of my publications.
Lecture: Advanced Image Synthesis (Lehrauftrag)
co-lecturing Lecture: Advanced Image Synthesis
Practical Course: Computer Graphics (Focus on Game Development)
Exercises: Massively Parallel Computing
Proseminar Computer Graphics
Excercises Advanced Image Synthesis
Practical Course: Precomputed Radiance Transfer (Real Time Rendering)
Proseminar: Modeling the Appearance and Behaviour of Urban Spaces
Excercises Computergraphics
Practical Course Real Time Rendering
Practical Course Aesthetic Computing
Seminar Computergraphics
Proseminar Computergraphics
Practical Course Computergraphics (Ray Tracing)
Practical Course Computer Graphics (Ray Tracing)
Seminar Computer Graphics
ehemaliger wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter