Die Nachrichten des Instituts für Medieninformatik

Vortrag: Experiences in immersive spaces for real-time visualization von Erik Sundén, Linköping University

Universität Ulm

5. September 2018 | O27/331 | 11:00 Uhr

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Hier der Abstract des Autors:

The talk will cover experiences in the immersive spaces I manage, renew and develop for, in the Norrköping Visualization Center C, which covers a dome theatre, back-projected powerwall, 360 panorama display and a virtual reality lab. Focus will be on how to operate these spaces, the hardware and software setups for running real-time content, the programming effort we take on to develop own software with long-time aspects for research and public productions as well as commercial software we use for rapid and flexible development, such as Unity and Unreal, to let us, our students and others use these spaces in a diverse manor. Experiences of various interaction techniques and deploying/adapting a software for the immersive spaces will also be covered.