Die Nachrichten des Instituts für Medieninformatik

Dr. Kathrin M. Gerling - Forschungskolloquium

Universität Ulm

Vulnerability at Play: Digital Games in Sensitive Settings |

Vortrag am 6. 6. 2019 im Rahmen des Forschungskolloquiums 'Cognitive Systems'

Auf Einladung von Prof. Rukzio trägt Dr. Kathrin Gerling, Katholische Universität Leuven, Belgien, zum Thema Vulnerability at Play: Digital Games in Sensitive Settings vor.

Abstract: Digital games hold the promise of contributing to quality of life by providing engaging experiences for broad audiences. With the push of games into sensitive settings (e.g., games to encourage physical activity among older adults, or young people with mobility impairment), new challenges arise for researchers and designers.

In my talk, I will reflect on research projects involving vulnerable audiences, and the risks they take when engaging with games (or the risks we expose them to when inviting them to participate in play). Drawing from these projects, I will discuss implications for game design and the use of gaming technologies such as VR in sensitive settings, and develop new perspectives on challenges and opportunities of games for vulnerable player groupsDigital games hold the promise of contributing to quality of life by providing engaging experiences for broad audiences. With the push of games into sensitive settings (e.g., games to encourage physical activity among older adults, or young people with mobility impairment), new challenges arise for researchers and designers. In my talk, I will reflect on research projects involving vulnerable audiences, and the risks they take when engaging with games (or the risks we expose them to when inviting them to participate in play). Drawing from these projects, I will discuss implications for game design and the use of gaming technologies such as VR in sensitive settings, and develop new perspectives on challenges and opportunities of games for vulnerable player groups.

Weitere Informationen zur Veranstaltungsreihe.

Dr. Kathrin Gerlink, KU Leuven