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Publikationen des Instituts für Künstliche Intelligenz


B. Nebel and J. Koehler, "Plan Modification versus Plan Generation: A Complexity-Theoretic Perspective" in Planen und Konfigurieren (PuK'93), 1993, pp. 7--17.
E. Andre, W. Graf, J. Heinsohn, B. Nebel, H. Profitlich, T. Rist and W. Wahlster, "PPP: Personalized Plan-Based Presenter - Project Proposal" , 1993.
A. M. Uhrmacher, "Variable Structure Models: Autonomy and Control - Answers from Two Different Modeling Approaches" in Proceedings of the 4th Annual Conference on AI, Simulation, and Planning in High Autonomy Systems - Integrating Virtual Reality and Model-Based Environments, Tucson, AZ: IEEE Press, 1993, pp. 133--139.
R. Förster, P. Kejwal, P. Baur, P. Göhner, J. Cleve, R. Drexler, D. Hutter, C. Sengler, Siekmann, W. Stephan, A. Wolpers, W. Reif, E. Canver and F. von Henke, "Verification Support Environment (VSE)" in Proceedings of the 3. Deutscher IT-Sicherheitskongress des BSI, 1993, pp. 327--337.
M. Ullmann, H. Hauff, D. Loevenich, P. Kejwal, R. Förster, P. Baur, P. Göhner, R. Drexler, W. Reif, W. Stephan, A. Wolpers, J. Cleve, D. Hutter, C. Sengler and E. Canver, "VSE Verification Support Environment" in Verläßliche Informationssysteme, Weck, Gerhard and Horster, Patrick, Eds. Vieweg+Teubner Verlag, 1993, pp. 175--190.


A. M. Uhrmacher, "EMSY - An Extended Modeling System" in AI, Expert Systems, and Symbolic Computing for Scientific Computation, Houstis, E. N. and Rice, J. R., Eds. North Holland, Amsterdam, 1992.
A. M. Uhrmacher, "Qualitative and Quantitative Simulation - Some Comparative Aspects" in SoftStat '91. Advances in Statistical Software., Stuttgart: Gustav Fischer, 1992, pp. 343-352.
P. Baur, Plasa, P. Kejwal, R. Drexler, W. Reif, W. Stephan, A. Wolpers, D. Hutter, C. Sengler and E. Canver, "The Verification Support Environment VSE" in IFA Symposium on Safety, Security and Reliability of Computers, 1992.
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