Auf der International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS) 2016 hielt Prof. Biundo-Stephan Ihren Invited Talk "Making Plans for Human Users". Hier der Abstract des Vortrags:
User-centered planning is a strand of the field that investigates a variety of AI planning functionalities that go beyond the mere generation of plans. It aims at the realization of comprehensive plan-based user support as the core functionality of advanced assistance systems. In this talk, we introduce a hybrid planning formalism designed for user-centered planning. It combines features of hierarchical task networks and partial-order causal-link planning in a well-defined manner, thereby reflecting and explicitly representing the causal and hierarchical reasoning planning is about. We discuss the theoretical properties of this formalism as well as implementation aspects and show how plan generation, plan explanation, plan repair, plan recognition, and mixed-initiative planning are realized within this integrative framework. Finally, we present two assistance systems where the combination of these planning capabilities implements the support of users in complex assembly tasks and in the compilation of individual fitness-training programs, respectively.
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Die ICAPS 2016 war auch über diesen Vortrag hinaus etwas besonderes für die Ulmer KI-Gruppe: Ganze drei Papiere unserer Arbeitsgruppe wurden akzeptiert. Die Papiere wurden in einer gemeinsamen Session vorgestellt, welche der Moderator Malte Helmert passenderweise mit den Worten "Welcome to the next Session: Ulm and Friends!" anmoderierte.