Amar Halilovic

Ich bin im April 2021 am Institut eingetreten, wo ich an Explainable AI & Robotics arbeite, insbesondere an Explainable Robot Navigation. Von 2015 bis 2020 habe ich Elektrotechnik an der Universität Sarajevo studiert. Während meines Studiums habe ich mich hauptsächlich für Steuerung, Robotik und Computer Vision interessiert.

Weitere Information

  • Erklärbare Künstliche Intelligenz
  • Robotik
  • Erklärbare Roboternavigation

Als Doktorand war und bin ich bei der Betreuung folgender Lehrveranstaltungen beteiligt:

  • SoSe 21: Seminar "Explainable Artificial Intelligence"
  • WiSe 21: Vorlesung "Knowledge-Based Artificial Intelligence"
  • WiSe 21: Proseminar "Künstliche Intelligenz"
  • WiSe 21: Projekt "Explainable Artificial Intelligence"
  • WiSe 21: Projekt "Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Systems"
  • SoSe 22: Vorlesung "Explainable Artificial Intelligence"
  • SoSe 22: Proseminar "Künstliche Intelligenz"
  • SoSe 22: Seminar "Advances in Artificial Intelligence"
  • SoSe 22: Projekt "Explainable Artificial Intelligence"
  • SoSe 22: Projekt "Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Systems"
  • WiSe 22: Seminar "Advances in Artificial Intelligence"
  • WiSe 22: Seminar "Explainable Artificial Intelligence"
  • WiSe 22: Projekt "Explainable Artificial Intelligence"
  • WiSe 22: Projekt "Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Systems"
  • SoSe 23: Vorlesung "Explainable Artificial Intelligence"
  • SoSe 23: Seminar "Advances in Artificial Intelligence"
  • SoSe 23: Projekt "Explainable Artificial Intelligence"
  • SoSe 23: Projekt "Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Systems"


  • Mein Profil auf Google Scholar und ResearchGate
  • Die folgende Publikationsliste enthält meine Publikationen seit April 2021:
  • 2021:
    • Karalus, Jakob; Halilovic, Amar; Lindner, Felix
      Explanations in, Explanations out: Human-in-the-Loop Social Navigation Learning
      ICDL 2021 Workshop on Human aligned Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Agents and Robots
  • 2022:
    • Halilovic, Amar; Lindner, Felix
      Explaining Local Path Plans Using LIME
      31st International Conference on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region (RAAD 2022)
  • 2023:
    • Halilovic, Amar; Lindner, Felix
      Visuo-Textual Explanations of a Robot's Navigational Choices
      HRI '23: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction
    • Halilovic, Amar; Krivic, Senka
      Towards a Holistic Framework for Explainable Robot Navigation
      16th International Workshop on Human-Friendly Robotics (HFR 2023)
    • Halilovic, Amar; Krivic, Senka
      Understanding Path Planning Explanations
      2nd TRR 318 Conference “Measuring Understanding”
    • Halilovic, Amar; Krivic, Senka
      The Influence of a Robot’s Personality on Real-Time Explanations of Its Navigation
      15th International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR 2023)
  • 2024:
    • Halilovic, Amar; Chandrayan, Vaancha; Krivic, Senka
      Exploring the Impact of Explanation Representation on User Satisfaction in Robot Navigation
      2024 International Symposium on Technological Advances in Human-Robot Interaction (TAHRI 2024)
    • Halilovic, Amar; Krivic, Senka
      Robot Explanation Identity
      HRI 2024 Workshop - Robo-Identity 3
    • Halilovic, Amar; Krivic, Senka
      Towards Affordance-Based Explanations of Robot Motion Planning
      The First Austrian Symposium on AI, Robotics, and Vision (AIRoV 2024)
    • Halilovic, Amar; Krivic, Senka
      Planning of Explanations for Robot Navigation
      2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2024)
    • Halilovic, Amar; Krivic, Senka
      Explainable is Responsible, or not?
      "What does Responsible Robotics mean?: Stretching roboticists’ horizons from an academic, government and philosophical perspective" - Workshop at the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2024)
    • Halilovic, Amar
      Framework for the Planning of Affordance-Based Explanations in Robot Path Planning
      Proceedings of the MEi: CogSci Conference 18 (1)