Daniel Höller
I have left the institute in January 2020. This website will not be maintained anymore. You can find my new one here.
I studied Computer Science at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University from 2007 to 2013 and received my M.Sc. degree in November 2013. From 2009 to 2013 I have been working on Automated Planning at Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems in different projects in the fields of Robotics and Multiagent Systems.
I joined the Institute in November 2013. Since then, I am working on Automated Planning and Plan Recognition in the context of the Transregional Collaborative Research Centre SFB/Transregio 62.
You can also find me on DBLP and Google Scholar.
Further Information
I am especially interested in the practical and theoretical aspects of (classical and hierarchical) Planning and related tasks like Plan Explanation, Plan Recognition, Plan Repair and Plan Verification.
- I was member of the Program Committee of the ICAPS in 2020
- I was member of the Organzing Commitee and the Program Committee of the 3rd ICAPS Workshop on Hierarchical Planning in 2020
- I was member of the Program Committee of the AAAI conference in 2020
- I was member of the Program Committee of the ECAI in 2020
- I was member of the Program Committee of the ICAPS in 2019
- I was member of the Program Committee of the 2nd ICAPS Workshop on Hierarchical Planning in 2019
- Together with Pacal Bercher, Susanne Biundo and Ron Alford, I have organized the First ICAPS Workshop on Hierarchical Planning and was member of its Program Committee in 2018
- Together with Pacal Bercher, I have given an ICAPS tutorial on HTN Planning in 2018
- I was reviewer for IJCAI-2019, AAAI-2019, ICAPS-2018, AAAI-2018, IJCAI/ECAI-2018 (co-located), ICAPS-2017, ICAPS-2016, and ICAPS-2015, the ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, and for the German AI Journal
- I was guest editor of the Special Issue "Companion Technologies" of the German AI Journal in 2016 (Volume 30, Number 1)
Ulm University
- Automated Planning (summer terms 2018, 2017, and 2015)
- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (winter terms 2019/20, 2018/19, 2017/18, 2016/17, 2015/16, 2014/15, and 2013/14)
- Introduction to Computer Science (summer term 2019)
- Seminars on AI (winter term 2019/20, summer term 2019, winter term 2018/19, summer term 2018, winter term 2017/18, summer term 2017, winter term 2016/17, summer term 2016, winter term 2015/16, summer term 2015, and winter term 2013/14)
Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University
- Algebraic and Number-theoretic Foundations of Computer Science (winter term 2012/13)
- Theoretical Computer Science (winter term 2012/13)
- The paper A Generic Method to Guide HTN Progression Search with Classical Heuristics by D. Höller, P. Bercher, G. Behnke and S. Biundo won the ICAPS Best Student Paper Award 2018.
The paper shows how to use heuristics from classical planning to guide the search in HTN planning. - The paper Plan and Goal Recognition as HTN Planning by D. Höller, G. Behnke, P. Bercher and S. Biundo won the ICTAI Best Paper Award 2018.
The paper introduces an approach to transform plan and goal recognition problems into HTN planning problems. - The paper Towards a Companion System Incorporating Human Planning Behavior - A Qualitative Analysis of Human Strategies by B. Leichtmann, P. Bercher, D. Höller, G. Behnke, S. Biundo, V. Nitsch, and M. Baumann won the TCTS Best Paper Award 2018 at the 3rd Transdisciplinary Conference Transdisciplinary Conference on Support Technologies.
The PANDA Planning System
My colleague Gregor Behnke and I are the main developers of the current version of the hierarchical planning system PANDA and its extensions.
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Datei: | https://jair.org/index.php/jair/article/view/11282/26578 |
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DOI: | 10.18725/OPARU-11023 |
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DOI: | 10.1007/978-3-319-43665-4_24 |
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