Aus mehr als 400 Forschungsthemen bzw. Artikelsammlungen, die 2017 in Frontiers Zeitschriften publiziert wurden, sind nun 10 Finalisten für den Frontiers Spotlight Award nominiert worden. Diese haben die Chance, einen Preis im Wert von 100,000 $ zu gewinnen, um damit eine internationale Konferenz in ihrem Forschungsfeld zu organisieren. Unter den 10 nominierten Finalisten ist auch das Forschungsthema "Towards an Understanding of Tinnitus Heterogeneity" für das Rüdiger Pryss und Manfred Reichert vom Institut für Datenbanken und Informationssysteme zwei der Editoren sind.
Hintergründe zum Frontiers Forschungsthema „Towards an Understanding of Tinnitus Heterogeneity“ (in Englisch):
Topic Editors: Christopher R. Cederroth, Arnaud Norena, Berthold Langguth, Winfried Schlee, Sven Vanneste, Tobias Kleinjung, Jose Antonio Lopez-Escamez, Pim Van Dijk, Martin Meyer, Grant Searchfield, Peyman Adjamian, Rilana f.f. Cima, Deborah A Hall, Birgit Mazurek, Heidi Olze, Giriraj Singh Shekhawat, Nathan Weisz, Silvano Gallus, Jianxin Bao, Antonello Maruotti, Rüdiger Christoph Pryss, Manfred Reichert, Thomas Probst, Bård Støve & Myra Spiliopoulou
More than 100 million people worldwide suffer from chronic tinnitus — the perception of a sound when no external sound is present. A major obstacle in developing effective treatments is the large variation between patients. As the largest-ever collection of multidisciplinary research in this young field, Towards an Understanding of Tinnitus Heterogeneity provides new avenues for better therapeutic outcomes.
Hintergründe zum Frontiers Spotlight Award (in Englisch)
The annual Frontiers Spotlight Award supports emerging and important fields of research published as a Research Topic in Frontiers journals. Each year, the most active, collaborative and impactful Research Topics from the previous year are shortlisted according to their scientific and editorial excellence, international reach, subject novelty and interdisciplinarity. A Jury, drawn from members of the Frontiers Editorial Board, is then tasked with evaluating the shortlist in order to produce the final winner. The winning team of Topic Editors receives a budget of US $100,000 to organize an international scientific conference on the theme of their Research Topic.