Keynote Speech von Prof. Reichert auf der AIME’11 Konferenz

Universität Ulm

Prof. Dr. Manfred Reichert war eingeladener Keynote-Sprecher auf der 13th Int'l Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME'11) in Bled, Slowenien.

In seinem Vortrag zum Thema „What BPM Technology Can Do for Healthcare Process Support?” zeigte Prof. Reichert anhand konkreter Projektbeispiele auf, wie flexible Prozess-Management-Technologie die Realisierung prozessorientierter Informationssysteme im Gesundheitswesen nachhaltig unterstützen kann. Dazu gab er zahlreiche Einblicke in aktuelle DBIS-Forschungsprojekte, wie AristaFlow, Provop, MinAdept und ProCycle.

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Prof. Dr. Manfred Reichert
What BPM Technology Can Do for Healthcare Process Support?
Eingeladene Keynote; 4. Juli 2011; Bled, Slowenien

Healthcare organizations are facing the challenge of delivering personalized services to their patients in a cost-effective and efficient manner. This, in turn, requires advanced IT support for healthcare processes covering both organizational procedures and knowledge-intensive, dynamic treatment processes. Nowadays, required agility is often hindered by a lack of  flexibility in hospital information systems. To overcome this inflexibility a new generation of information systems, denoted as process-aware information systems (PAISs), has emerged. In contrast to data- and function-centered information systems, a PAIS separates process logic from application code and thus provides an additional architectural layer. However, the introduction of process-aware hospital information systems must neither result in rigidity nor restrict staff members in their daily work. This keynote presentation reflects on recent developments from the business process management (BPM) domain, which enable process adaptation, process flexibility, and process evolution. These key features will be illustrated along existing BPM frameworks. Altogether, emerging BPM methods, concepts and technologies will contribute to further enhance IT support for healthcare processes.

Reichert, M. (2011) What BPM Technology Can Do for Healthcare Process Support. In: 13th Conf. on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME'11), Bled, Slovenia, July 2011, LNAI 6747, Springer, pp. 2-13