Manfred Reichert war eingeladener Keynote-Sprecher des
6th Int’l Workshop on Evolutionary Business Processes (EVL-BP’13). Der Workshop EVL-BP’13 fand am 9. September 2013 in Vancouver im Rahmen der
EDOC’13-Konferenz statt.
In seiner Keynote mit dem Titel "From Theory to Practice – Transferring Innovative BPM Research to Industrial Practice" stellte Manfred verschiedene DBIS-Projekte vor, die allesamt eine flexible und effiziente Unterstützung wissensintensiver und benutzerzentrierter Geschäftsprozesse zum Ziel haben. Dabei ging er insbesondere auf den Transfer der in diesen Projekten entwickelten Technologien in die industrielle Praxis ein.
Zusammenfassung (englisch):
Companies increasingly adopt process-aware information systems to capture, model, execute, monitor, and evolve their business processes. This keynote will draw a retrospective of some of the real-world challenges for business process management that we tackled in various domains (e.g., healthcare, automotive engineering) during the last decade. We will report on research projects which developed innovative technologies for the flexible and efficient support of knowledge-intensive and human-centric business processes. This includes concepts, methods and tools for enabling adaptive and evolutionary processes, data-driven process support, and human-centric workflows. In particular, we will discuss how the technologies we developed in these projects were successfully transferred to industrial practice.
Download der Keynote als PDF:
Manfred Reichert: From Theory to Practice - Transferring Innovative BPM Research to Industrial Practice
Invited Keynote at EVL-BP’13, Vancouver, Canada; September 9, 2013