Manfred Reichert ist Mitveranstalter des 9th Int'l Workshop on Process-oriented Information Systems in Healthcare (ProHealth) und 8th Int'l Workshop on Knowledge Representation for Health Care (KR4HC).
Dieser kombinierte Workshop wird im Rahmen der
GMDS/MIE 2016 Tagung an der LMU in München am 2. September 2016 stattfinden.
Manfred teilt sich die Rolle als Co-Chair zum wiederholten Male mit seinen Kollegen Richard Lenz (Universität Nürnberg-Erlangen) und
David Riaño (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spanien).
Ziele des Workshops (engl.):
The introduction of computers in health care can contribute to homogenize services, increase the quality of those services and reduce the costs of health care systems. Two of the computer-based approaches to provide these benefits are supported on technologies for knowledge representation and process-oriented management. These technologies include medical data analysis and processing, clinical practice modeling, intelligent decision support systems and recommenders, clinical process management, personalized and patient-centric e-Health and m-Health, etc.
The Joint International Workshop KR4HC-ProHealth represents the effort of two communities to bring together experts in these technologies in order to present new advances and to deliver results on promising intelligent systems and technologies supporting clinical tasks. Two are the main viewpoints that converge in the workshop:
As part of medical informatics, the knowledge-representation for health care (KR4HC) view focuses on representing and reasoning with medical knowledge in computers as a means to support knowledge management and clinical decision-making. This community aims at developing efficient representations, technologies, and tools for integrating all the important elements that health care providers work with: Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) and healthcare information systems, clinical practice guidelines, and standardized medical vocabularies. In turn, as part of business process management, the process-oriented information systems in healthcare (ProHealth) view focuses on using business process management technology to provide effective solutions for the management of healthcare processes. This community aims at adapting successful process management solutions to health care processes and needs, with a particular interest in organization, optimization, cooperation, risk analysis, flexibility, re-utilization, and integration of health care tasks and teams.
Weitere Details finden sich auf der Website des Workshops.