Internationaler Workshop zu Prozess- und Wissensmanagement im Gesundheitswesen

Universität Ulm

Manfred Reichert ist Mitorganisator des 5th Int'l Workshop on Process-oriented Information Systems in Healthcare (ProHealth'12) und des 4th Int'l Workshop on Knowledge Representation for Health Care (KR4HC'12). Er teilt diese Aufgabe mit seinen Kollegen Richard Lenz (Universität Nürnberg-Erlangen), Silvia Miksch (TU Wien), Mor Peleg (University of Haifa), David Riaño (URV, Spanien), and Annette ten Teije (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Der ProHealth'12-/ KR4HC'12-Workshop wird in Verbindung mit der BPM'12-Fachtagung in Talinn, Estland am 3. September 2012 stattfinden.

ProHealth'12 / KR4HC'12 brings together researchers from two communities facing similar challenges to improve the understanding of domain-specific requirements, theories, methods, and tools. The healthcare community has been focusing on knowledge representation and reasoning to support medical knowledge management and clinical decision-making. The BPM community has been developing  process-oriented information systems in healthcare and been studying ways to adopt BPM technology for healthcare process support. Both communities have been addressing the unique characteristics of healthcare processes and clinical-guideline based decision-support systems, including their high degree of flexibility, the integration with electronic medical records and shared semantics of healthcare domain concepts, and the need for tight cooperation and communication among medical care teams.

Weitere Einzelheiten finden sich im ProHealth'12-/KR4HC'12-Flyer