Hand Gesture-based Process Modeling for Updatable Processes

Universität Ulm

BA Abschlussvortrag, Hayato Hess, Ort: O27/545, Datum: 02.09.2013, Zeit: 10:00 Uhr

The increasing popularity of process models leads to the need of alternative interaction methods to view and manipulate process models. One big research field are the gesture-based manipulation methods. Although there are already works in this research area, they utilize only two dimensions for gesture recognition. The objective of this work is to introduce a system that manipulates process models using a three dimensional hand gesture input interface utilizing the RGB-D camera of the Microsoft Kinect. With this, an input interface can be created that is more natural and, thus, is easier to learn and use than its two dimensional counterpart. This work therefore discusses how gestures are recognized as well as technical implementation aspects (e.g., how process models are painted, accessed and manipulated). Furthermore, it explains the problems arising from the use of the Kinect as a hand
tracking system and shows which steps have been taken to solve these problems.