Manfred Reichert hat eine Einladung in das Editorial Board der Springer-Zeitschrift
Computer Science – Research and Development (CSRD) angenommen. Manfred freut sich darauf, in seiner zukünftigen Rolle als Mitherausgeber, das Erscheinungsbild und die Bedeutung der Zeitschrift mitgestalten zu dürfen. Er setzt damit eine DBIS-Tradition fort, da bereits
Peter Dadam seit vielen Jahren einer der CSRD-Mitherausgeber ist.
Über die Zeitschrift (in englischer Sprache):
Computer Science – Research and Development (CSRD), formerly Informatik – Forschung und Entwicklung (IFE), is a quarterly international journal that publishes high-quality research and survey papers from the Software Engineering & Systems area and its adjacent disciplines, with inclusion of embedded systems, mobile systems, information systems, algorithm engineering, web engineering, ubiquitous computing, service-oriented architectures, model-driven architectures, process-oriented architectures and related topics. Also, contributions describing research in application areas as e.g. mechanical engineering, medical engineering and medical technology, traffic engineering and environmental technology are welcome.
CSRD is oriented towards practical and also industrial applications since many developments in Computer Science, even those of a fundamental nature, are driven by practical considerations. Contributions from industry are very welcome. In general, two kinds of papers are published in CSRD: research papers presenting novel approaches and results, and survey papers summarizing current developments. CSRD continues the tradition of publishing special issues on selected topics in the field of Software Engineering & Systems. All papers are reviewed in a peer-review process. CSRD focuses on publishing in English while still accepting German papers for a transitional period.