Design and realization of a middleware for mobile task coordination

Universität Ulm

MA Abschlussvortrag, Georgy Karpenko, Ort: O27/545, Zeit: 14:00 Uhr, Datum: 23. November 2012

Main purpose of this master thesis is the conceptualization and design of a middleware allowing for the coordination of tasks on separated (mobile) service providers in a distributed environment. In particular, it observes conceptual and technical requirements, available technologies, communication protocols, and implementation techniques. Based on these aspects, the architecture for an interoperable solution dealing with stateful, context-aware mobile services and their impermanent connections is elaborated.

The thesis result is a middleware enabling the integration of mobile as well as stationary service providers for task coordination implemented by mobile-, web-, and desktop-applications. Main objectives are the communication between client and service provider components, context-based request distribution and, as a result, mobile task coordination.

This presentation elaborates the middleware architecture along a usage scenario from the clinical domain. In particular, common pitfalls of communication between distributed mobile service providers regarding existing message templates and interaction patterns are discussed.