Im Rahmen der 22. Internationalen Fachtagung zu Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE'10) in Hammamet, Tunesien hat das DBIS-Institut drei innovative Tool-Entwicklungen aus seinem Software-Labor vorgestellt. Mit etwa 300 Teilnehmern gehört die CAiSE international zu einer der Top-Konferenzen im Bereich Informationssysteme.
Nachfolgende geben wir einen kurzen Überblick zu den drei demonstrierten Software-Systemen (Demo-Beschreibungen in englischer Sprache).
Demo 1: Error Handling in the AristaFlow BPM Suite.
Process-aware information systems will be not accepted by users if rigidity or idleness due to failures comes with them. When implementing business processes based on process management technology one fundamental goal is to ensure robustness of the realized process-aware information system. Meeting this goal becomes extremely complicated if high exibility demands need to be fulfilled. In this software demonstration DBIS showed how the AristaFlow BPM Suite assists process participants in coping with errors and exceptional situations. In particular, we focused on new error handling procedures and capabilities using the flexibility provided by ad-hoc changes not shown in other context so far.
Hintergrund. Die AristaFlow BPM Suite bietet eine flexible und robuste Prozess-Management-Technologie einer völlig neuen Generation. Sie ermöglicht zum einen die rasche und fehlerfreie Entwicklung prozessorientierter Anwendungen, zum anderen setzt die AristaFlow BPM Suite neue Maßstäbe hinsichtlich der flexiblen Ausführung von Prozessen zur Laufzeit. Die AristaFlow BPM Suite ist aus mehreren Forschungsprojekten (ADEPT1,
ADEPT2 und
AristaFlow) des DBIS-Instituts hervorgegangen und wird mittlerweile von einer Ausgründung des Instituts - der AristaFlow GmbH - weiter entwickelt und vertrieben.
Demo 2: SeaFlows Toolset - Compliance Verification Made Easy.
In the light of an increasing demand on business process compliance, the verification of process models against compliance rules has become essential in enterprise computing. The SeaFlows Toolset featured in this tool demonstration extends process-aware information system by compliance checking functionality. It provides a user-friendly environment for modeling compliance rules using a graph-based formalism. Modeled compliance rules can be used to enrich process models. To address a multitude of verification settings, SeaFlows Toolset provides two compliance checking components: The structural compliance checker derives structural criteria from compliance rules and applies them to detect incompliance.
The data-aware compliance checker addresses the state explosion problem that can occur when the data dimension is explored during compliance checking. It performs context-sensitive automatic abstraction to derive an abstract process model which is more compact with regard to the data dimension enabling more efficient compliance checking. Altogether, SeaFlows Toolset constitutes a comprehensive and extensible framework for checking compliance of process models.
Hintergrund. Das demonstrierte Software-Werkzeug wurde im Rahmen des SeaFlows Projektes entwickelt. SeaFlows zielt auf ein umfassendes Rahmenwerk für die Verwendung, Validation und Überwachung semantischer Integritätsbedingungen in prozessorientierten Informationssystemen.
Demo 3: Managing Processes on Mobile Devices: The MARPLE Approach.
Ubiquitous Computing is considered as enabler for linking everyday life with information and communication technology. However, developing pervasive applications that provide personalized user assistance is still a challenge. Relevant scenarios are diverse and encompass domains like healthcare, logistics, and business collaboration. Two of the technologies that show increasing maturity in respect to the demands of such applications are light-weight frameworks and process engines for mobile computing. Their fusion, however, is in a rather premature state. Generally, the support of mobile collaboration using a process engine raises challenging issues that need to be addressed. In the MARPLE project we target at a tight integration of process management technology with mobile computing frameworks in order to enable mobile process support in the aforementioned scenarios. In our software presentation we gave insights into the MARPLE architecture and its components. In particular, we introduced the MARPLE process engine which enables light-weight as well as flexible process support on mobile devices.
Hintergrund. Die demonstrierte Software wird im Rahmen des MARPLE Forschungsprojektes entwickelt. Ziel von MARPLE ist eine enge Integration von Prozess-Management-Technologie und Mobile Computing.