2 PhD Positions in Computer Science

Universität Ulm

2 PhD Positions in Computer Science

  1. Mobile data collection and mobile process management Institute of Database and Information Systems, Prof. Manfred Reichert
  2. Flexible middleware for mobile sensing and data collection

Institute of Distributed Systems, Prof. Franz J. Hauck

About the positions:

Both positions are in the context of the European School on Interdisciplinary Tinnitus Research (ESIT) a Marie Sklodowska-Curie action funded by the EU:  Website

The positions shall start September 2017 and are funded for 3 years. Both are full-time positions with TVL-E13 salary, and can, in principle, be split. Hiring is done by the central university administration.


  • Active participation in the training activities of the European School on Interdisciplinary Tinnitus Research (ESIT)
  • Harmonization of international data collection across research projects within the ESIT network


  • Master's degree in Computer Science, but not yet a doctoral degree
  • At the time of recruitment, applicants must not have worked or studied more than 12 months during the previous 36 months in Germany
  • Preferably, skills and experiences in statistical analyses (Pos. 1)
  • Preferably, skills in mobile application engineering
  • Preferably, experiences with middleware systems (Pos. 2)
  • Preferably, basic knowledge and strong interest in psychology or medicine
  • Basic experience in clear writing of scientific reports and articles
  • Ability and willingness to work as a team player
  • Very good skills in English in speech and writing

We offer

  • A diverse and attractive environment for interdisciplinary research training with close clinical connections
  • High-quality education within the European School on Interdisciplinary Tinnitus Research (ESIT)
  • Hands-on research training in an inter-disciplinary team of experienced researchers and clinicians
  • Excellent opportunities for cooperation with an international team of tinnitus experts and computer scientists
  • Excellent supervision on your research project at multiple levels


Ulm University is committed to increase the share of women in research and teaching positions and therefore explicitly encourages female candidates to apply. Preference will be given to disabled applicants with equal qualifications. Please indicate disablement.

Apply by June 23, 2017 to Prof. Dr. Manfred Reichert, Ulm University, 89069 Ulm, Germany.

Please submit a PDF including cover letter, CV, certificates and two reference letters. Please mention code 47.

Further Information

Pos. 1: Dr. Rüdiger Pryss – E-MailPos. 2: Prof. Dr. Franz J. Hauck – E-Mail

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