User-oriented Business Process Management in the Cloud

Universität Ulm

MA-Zwischenvortrag, Kevin Andrews, Stefan Büringer & Klaus Kammerer, Ort: O27/545, Datum: 22.05.2014, Zeit: 14:00 Uhr

Abstract cloud-based software is becoming increasingly popular as bandwidth prices drop. Furthermore, current BPM solutions are not tailored to small companies lacking expertise in BPM. The Clavii BPM cloud is an integrated solution for simple, web-based business process modeling and execution. It offers collaboration functions and rich process documentation via a modern web-interface, scaffolding support for rapid iterative process development, and an object-oriented data model. It provides unique capabilities for process modeling with different notations like BPMN and the newly developed Transit Map. Created processes can be executed directly in the cloud as part of the seamlessly integrated modeling and runtime environment.