Technical Conception and Implementation of an IT-System supporting the flexible Distribution of Documents within a large scale Sales Organization

Universität Ulm

MA Abschlussvortrag, Jonas Schaude, Ort: O27/5202, Datum: 21.10.2015, Zeit: 11:30 Uhr

The success of companies depends, among others, on sales. For this, sales representatives have to meet customers and explain how the offered services meet the customers need by demonstrating the company’s service. With the increased prevalence of mobile devices new possibilities for companies have begun to arise. Sales organizations use IT systems to improve processes and therefore increase the value of the company itself. For example, mobile applications connected with a central IT system can provide sales representatives.

This thesis covers the creation of an IT system supporting the flexible distribution of documents and evaluates Enterprise Content Management Systems that may be used for the realization. The evaluation can generally be performed with different decision making methods (for example Analytic Hierarchy Process). Therefore, a criteria catalog is presented based on requirements for the IT system. Finally, the conception and architecture of the IT system is described.