Requirements and Design of a Platform for Internet- and Mobile-based Interventions

Universität Ulm

BA Abschlussvortrag, Sabrina Böhm, Ort: Online, Datum: 02.06.2020, Zeit: 15:00 Uhr

Mental health and the therapeutic care of patients is a topic that is applied daily. Whether mental or physical health, usually everyone can complain about something. Due to digitalisation, the topic of mental health must also be raised to a higher level. The eSano system represents a platform that explicitly deals with the concept of e-health in order to provide online support for therapeutic care. The online therapy is provided via so-called Internet- and Mobile-based interventions (IMIs), which are carried out by the patients. The basic principle is that an eCoach accompanies the patient through guided interventions, but the patient also has the possibility to carry out an unguided intervention in a self-guiding manner. As a result of the possibility to perform the interventions on the mobile phone at any time, the use is very flexible, independent of location and can be easily integrated into everyday life. In addition to an application for patients and therapists, there is also a platform for intervention creation and editing, which is the beginning of the development of IMIs for psychological support. In this bachelor thesis the requirements and the conceptual design of the eSano platform are identified and presented. The functional and non-functional requirements to be realized in the final system form the basis of the design concept. Starting with the basic architecture of the platform, creating and participating in interventions and the implementation of individual modules of the therapy, this thesis presents the connection and communication between the systems and roles involved. Furthermore, aspects such as distribution of rights, privacy and security are addressed and basically defined. Due to the realization of a requirements engineering process of the complete eSano system, the results of this thesis form a good basis for any further work with the project.