Part of my PhD research consists of developing the MoDe4SLA approach which identifies complex dependencies between Service Level Agreements (SLAs) of services in a composition. By explicating these dependencies, causes of SLA violations of a service might be explained by malfunctioning of the services it depends on. MoDe4SLA assists managers in identifying such causes for violations. Currently, we are in the process of evaluating usefulness of MoDe4SLA. For this purpose we implemented a demonstrator which allows experts to test MoDe4SLA and provide us with feedback on its usefulness. In this presentation I will discuss the main contributions of MoDe4SLA, show the demonstrator, and, hopefully, enthusiast some/all of you to become my test-experts.
Monitoring Service Compositions in MoDe4SLA
Universität Ulm Universität Ulm
Gastvortrag, Lianne Bodenstaff (University of Twente, Niederlande), Ort: O27/545, Zeit: 14:00 Uhr, Datum: 11. Dezember 2008