Mobile Crowdsensing Services for Tinnitus Assessment and Patient Feedback

Universität Ulm

Presentation at the 6th IEEE International Conference on AI and Mobile Services; Rüdiger Pryss & Winfried Schlee, Honolulu, USA, 26 June 2017, 2:30 PM

Assessment of chronic disorders requires new ways of data collection compared to the traditional pen & paper based approaches. For example, tinnitus, the phantom sensation of sound, is a highly prevalent disorder that is difficult to treat; i.e., available treatments are only effective for patient subgroups. In most individuals with tinnitus, loudness and
annoyance of tinnitus varies over time. Currently, established assessment methods of tinnitus neither systematically assess this moment-to-moment variability nor environmental factors having an effect on tinnitus loudness and distress. However,
information of individual fluctuations and the effect of environmental factors on the tinnitus might represent important information for tinnitus subtyping and for individualized treatment. In this context, a promising approach for collecting ecological valid longitudinal datasets at rather low costs is mobile crowdsensing. In the TrackYourTinnitus project, we developed an advanced mobile crowdsensing platform to reveal more detailed information about the course of tinnitus over time. In this paper, the patient mobile feedback service as a particular component of the platform is presented. It was developed to provide patients with aggregated information about the variation of their tinnitus over time. This mobile feedback service shall help a patient to demystify the tinnitus and to get better control of it, which should facilitate coping with this chronic health condition. As the basic principles and design of this mobile services are also applicable to other chronic disorders, promising perspectives for disorder management and clinical research arise.