Internet of Things - Concept, Challenges and Applications in Financial and Insurance Business

Universität Ulm

MA Abschlussvortrag, Carolin Steurer, Ort: O27/5202, Datum: 05.03.2015, Zeit: 16:15 Uhr

According to a recent McKinsey study, the Internet of Things (IoT) will be the technology with the highest influence on Germany`s gross domestic product in 2015. Although the topic IoT is very present in media, politics and company strategies, there is no clear definition what IoT exactly means. This thesis provides a definition for both the IoT (also in contrast to the ordinary internet) and the associated things. Enormous challenges arising with the IoT consist in handling information security threats, assuring data protection, and manging the identities and access rights of the things. Therefore, this work proposes an identity and access management approach for everyone and everthing. Moreover, information security and data protection threats are outlined and prevention, detection, and reaction methods are presented. Finally, these methods are applied to concrete applications in insurance business.