At beginning of this thesis, an in-car application, so-called Assessment Tool, for driver assistance system was adopted from predecessor. First of all, we defined functional and non-functional requirements. The application utilized touch on Android tablet. In order to reduce visual distraction, voice interaction modules were incorporated. For quality assurance, we conducted a comparative field study to identify strengths and weaknesses of in-vehicle telematics use in comparison to touch. 12 participants took part in the study. Gaze data were collected via an eye tracking system, while mental distraction was measured by mobile detection task (MDT). Although MDT did not deliver significant results, subjective ratings did reflect that participants favored speech. Regarding visual distractions, speech delivered lower mean glance frequency and lower mean visual distraction duration. As a result, voice interaction supplemented or even replaced touch by significantly reducing eyes-off-the-road time which could minimize potential risk of traffic accidents. At the end, we fulfilled the majority of "Must Have" requirements.
Improving Usability of an Assessment Tool by Introducing Voice Interaction
Universität Ulm Universität Ulm
MA Abschlussvortrag, Yuqiu Ge, Ort: O27/5202, Datum: 11.10.2018, Zeit: 10:00 Uhr