Human Resource Management in Business Processes

Universität Ulm

DBIS Kolloquium, Cristina Cabanillas, Ort: O27/545, Datum: 23.09.2014, Zeit: 11:00 Uhr

Human resources constitute a key element in the execution of process activities as they are usually in charge of completing the work or supervising their correct execution. However, this business process perspective has received less research attention than others such as control flow, although several approaches to deal with different aspects related to resource management in business processes have been developed in the last years. In this talk, we will describe techniques for the assignment of resources to process activities and for the automated analysis of resource-aware process models throughout the business process lifecycle. Furthermore, we will introduce an approach for resource prioritization in business processes prior to resource allocation at run time, and will speak about aspects related to resources in conjunction with other business process perspectives such as data and compliance rules.