The proper handling of temporal constraints is crucial for business processes in many application domains. Contemporary process-aware information systems (PAIS), however, lack a sophisticated support of time-aware processes. First of all, at design time it should be possible to specify the temporal constraints of a business process. In turn, this should be accompanied by checking the respective time-aware process schema for inconsistencies that may emerge due to hidden interdependencies among the temporal constraints. The latter is crucial to enable a robust and error-free execution of the time-aware process schema. At run time, corresponding process instances need to be monitored for violations of their temporal constraints. This demo paper presents the ATAPIS Toolset for modeling and enacting time-aware processes. The toolset is based on AristaFlow BPM Suite---an industrial-strength process management system. The ATAPIS Toolset enables process engineers to correctly specify and implement time-aware processes. Further, time-aware process instances can be efficiently executed, whilst monitoring their temporal constraints. Altogether, the ATAPIS Toolset covers the temporal perspective of processes at design as well as run time in a comprehensive way.
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Enabling Time-Aware Process Support with the ATAPIS Toolset
Universität Ulm Universität Ulm
Presentation at the Demo Session of the 12th Int'l Conference on Business Process Management (BPM'14);
Andreas Lanz, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 10 September 2014, 3:30pm