Design and Implementation of an Event-Driven Architecture for Medical Software

Universität Ulm

MA Abschlussvortrag, Fabian Schneider, Ort: O27/5202, Datum: 26.11.2014, Zeit: 17:00 Uhr

Software has become the main value driver of medical devices. Improvements of already developed medical devices are often only achieved through the further development of software components. These are often usability enhancements and the ability to connect with other medical devices or information systems. To ensure the integrity of patients’ and operators’ health, the development of medical software is regulated by law. However, there are two opposing requirements here. On one hand, the medical software must be continually developed, for example to update an algorithm or to improve the usability of the user-interface. On the other hand, development must comply with legal requirements, which may be cumbersome and requires a lot of documentation and testing. The architecture of a medical software must be easily extensible and modifiable to meet both requirements. Event-Driven Architectures offer the opportunity to build extensible and modifiable systems through the loosely coupling of their components. These systems are composed of individual applications and communicate only via the exchange of events. Changing a single application does not affect the entire system. This approach reduces the time-to-marke for new product features of a medical devices significantly.