Design and Implementation of a Bluetooth 4.0 LE Infrastructure for Mobile Devices

Universität Ulm

BA Abschlussvortrag, Christian Goosen, Ort: O27/545, Datum: 24.06.2014, Zeit: 16:30 Uhr

The new Bluetooth 4.0 low energy (Bluetooth Smart) specification provides developers a means to create unique and never before seen systems. Using low energy beacons, new systems are able to deliver location based information to the user, whenever it comes into close proximity of a certain beacon. BLExpo, a beacon based service developed for an enhanced user experience at expo’s, relays location sensitive information saved on a server to the consumer, depending on his location, is described in this thesis in detail. Adapting the design of the service, a vast variety of different systems can emerge, and existing ones improved, by supplying beacons. A brief look at how Bluetooth low energy can make our lives more convenient is provided, as well as the issues that might arise when dealing with beacon based systems. Alternative designs are taken into account by describing systems that rely purely on Bluetooth low energy for both event triggering, and information exchange. Since every system mentioned in this thesis uses Bluetooth LE as the underlaying technology, it is also introduced and a brief overview is provided.